Chapter 21

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"Oi, Seok. Isn't that your girlfriend?" A tall dude pointed out at a certain couple who just walked into the campus front gate.

—a familiar brown-haired guy who piggybacked a very familiar-looking girl. They gathered almost everyone's attention. The girl was visibly read that she had to hide her face at the crook the guy' neck and never lift it up—

Another shorter and kinda thin male nudged his elbow. "Correction, dude. Ex-girlfriend." The two males snickered but soon died down once they received no response from another male they were teasing— because he was busy glaring at the two whom they referred to.

"I smell something burning." The taller murmured.

"What's burning, Chan?" The tall guy grinned widely before leaning down toward the brown-haired male ears. "Hoseok's heart."

The shorter male laughed so hard, along with the taller, but not with the brown-haired male who still got his eyes boring a hole into the couple.

"Shut the fuck up, Yeol." Hoseok warned, the fury in his tone made the taller immediately shut his mouth.

"Well, I guess Taehyung really managed to steal your ex afterall." Hoseok turned around to face his shorter male friend and grabbed him by the collar.

"Wow, dude, chill." The shorter snorted.

"If you couldn't keep your mouth shut, I'll gladly help you, Kyung." The shorter male gulped and shook his head furiously.

"God, Seok, calm down! We were just joking!" The taller male tried to separate the two.

Hoseok scoffed and pulled his hands away— without forgetting to push his smaller friend until he fell on the ground. He then shoved his way out of his other two minions' sight with a deep scowl plastered on his face.

"What the hell is wrong with him..." the taller murmured before helping the shorter to stand on his feet.

Y O U          

"Put me down Tae!" I hide my face on Taehyung's shoulder while wriggling my leg—and this annoying friend of mine just had the audacity to giggle and bounce me on his back instead.

"Wait a minute, princess, we'll arrive at the class very soon." I really wanted to puke right now.

"Jesus Christ, Kim Taehyung! That's so freaking cringe! Stop it!" My infuriation seemed fueled Taehyung even more. He chuckled and slowed his pace instead.

I could only curse under my breath, waiting for our arrival soon while hiding my face from people who started to whisper and even capture our pictures.

"I hate you." I murmured on Taehyung's back.

"I love you too!" He laughed out loud.

Professor Seokjin shook his head upon seeing us arrival in his classroom.

"Put me down, Tae!" I whisper yelled, he finally bent his body down, but not without embarrassing me any further— he had to enter the class first and made everyone witnessed us!

All students in the class started to coo and whisper. I could hear some of them shouting.

Lover birds!

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