Chapter 43

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Y O U  

"Get out." I said, pointing my finger toward the door.

Did I look like I was that stupid?

Well, I'm not a smart one either everybody could tell, but it doesn't take a genius to tell he's a damn con artist.

So he is a grim reaper who tried to save me? Who was he kidding?

I glared at him and he just furrowed his eyebrows while staring back at me.

"I know you won't believe me. I told you so." He sighed, still keeping his expression serious as if what he said was the truth which made me even more furious.

"A grim reaper? Aren't they supposed to take people's lives? And you are telling me that you're here to save me?! From what, Yoongi? From yourself?"

"None of it making any sense!" I snapped at him.

"Then why, why would you save me?" He just pursed his lips into a thin line, staring down on the mattress underneath us.

"I don't know either..." I heard him lowly whispered.

"Y/N!" Both of us snapped our head toward the door at the same time, there was Taehyung shouting my name from the outside.

I gasped in surprise, I didn't know what the hell he was doing here in my apartment at this hour, hell, how he dared to step in without my permission but thank goodness he was here. I should ask him for help. There is a creep right in front of me.

"Taehyunghmphf—" Yoongi pushed my body on the bed, clasping my mouth with his palms, he stared at me annoyedly before turning around and directed his finger toward the wooden door and


suddenly I heard the door lock clicked.

I widened my eyes. What kind of sorcery is this?! I mean I've seen him doing magic a few times already but still can't get used to it.

"Sssshhhh." He placed a finger in front of his lips, shushing me.

I blinked my eyes twice when I realized how close our faces and bodies were. The tip of his nose even touching mine, his eyes were staring right into mine, and I could even feel his breath fanning over my skin... shit.

I wriggled my body but he placed his other hand on my shoulder. He pressed his body on top of me harder, keeping me still.

"Ssssh." He shushed harder but I shook my head furiously.

Not because I didn't want to shut up, but Yoongi, our position isn't okay! I wanted to scream him that but his palm was so firm covering my lips.

His body on top of me on my freaking bed in the middle of the night. Anju nice 👍🏻

Stop thinking dirty, stop thinking dirty! This is not the right time for you and your pervert mind, Y/N! I shut my eyes tightly.

He can control things without touching, can he read my mind too? Holyshit, holyshit hopefully he can't, Why? Why do you ask?!

Because obviously my mind isn't in the most saint place at the moment and I don't even know why! Maybe because I've been single for quite a long time that my imagination ran wild but whatever.

I felt blood rushed to both of my cheeks, turning them red.

"Y/N! Open the door! Are you okay?!" I shifted my eyes toward the door, hearing Taehyung banged on it loudly. He kept turning the knob but the door was locked already.

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