Chapter 47 - Final

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"What will be happen to me after this trial ends, Yoongi?" She asked curiously as the male guided him through the empty space. She just following him without knowing where they were going.

"The judge will decide whether you'll go to heaven, hell, or reincarnated for another life." She nodded her head at his answer.

"Then this is our goodbye?" The grim deadly stopped on his track. With the mention of goodbye, he felt a slight pang over his chest.

He turned around to face the girl who walked behind him, just staring at her quietly.

The thought of not seeing her anymore pained him and he didn't even know why.

"Is there something in my face?" She asked, trailing her fingers over her glowing skin.

Yoongi sighed and shook his head. He turned back and continued their walk.

And finally they stood in front of a huge door with a blinding light shining behind it.

"Are you ready?" He asked, Y/N widened her eyes.

"Even if I'm not, I have too." She replied, swallowing thickly.

The trial for her death lasted for 40 days. Thankfully she passed it all although, at the final level, she almost failed due to her past attempt of suicide. But as Yoongi defended her on the court of hell, the judge finally forgave for what she did while throwing a deadly glare at Yoongi for breaking the rules, trying to save her.

The judge then decided for her to be reincarnated for another life. She'll have to wait for a while and spent her time in heaven while waiting for her turn.

Yoongi was standing in front of Sejin's desk while Y/N was wondering somewhere inside the spacious, empty white room.

"You finally did it." The older grim reaper congratulated him but after finally gathered his 100th soul, Yoongi wasn't slightly happy.

"Then you deserved your prizes." Sejin told, snapping the younger grim who had been spacing out back to reality.

"Prize?" He cocked one of his eyebrows.

"Your memory, Yoongi, all about your past life. Isn't that what you've been wanting to know all of this time?" Something unsettling stirred inside Yoongi's stomach. Somehow he didn't care anymore about his past. He's a sinner anyway, what's the point learning about his dark past?

He rather thinks about his future, his future without Y/N, and just imagine it made him dwelling into despair.

Sejin suddenly stood up from his chair. "It seemed you already lost interest to learn about your past but you have to." He suddenly vanished then reappeared right next to Yoongi.

"Then you'll remember why she's so important to you." Yoongi snapped his head up to meet the taller's eyes before peered over his shoulder to see Y/N who just smiled at him.

When Yoongi turned back to face Sejin everything suddenly turned blurry.

The next thing he knew, he had woken up somewhere else.

Yoongi shot his eyes open while sweating profusely. Suddenly every single piece of his memories flooded back to him at the same time, making his feeling overflowed with many emotions.

He looked down over his clothes and he was no longer wearing his grim uniform. Instead, he dressed in a silky long grey colored hanbok.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing and what he remembered about himself.

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