Chapter 10

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Y O U                               


"Psst, look at that whore. Pffft, did she also seduce our teacher?"

"Yeah! I wondered why she also gains the favor more than us. That just sucks."

"Did you heard how she torment her brother? That handsome looking new junior student?"

"Yeah, I've heard that! She was so envious and disapproved her parents' marriage. Tsk, no matter what he still her half-blood, how could she did that?"

"No wonder her real father left her."

That's it! I can't handle it anymore. Anywhere I go, anything I do, I could feel their eyes on me, whispering about this and that... Stop! Please stop! What did I do to deserve this?!

I ran my hands covering my ears, tightly shut my eyes wishing all the devious whispers to just, gone.

"Hey, Y/N..." she called but I didn't answer.

"Y/N!" He shouted and I flinched.

"Oh, you guys already here." I rested my hands beside my hips.

We were standing in front of the school. I was waiting for my best friends to came and entered the classroom together. If they were not here, I probably took my leave. I am not going to be inside that hell hole alone.

"Are you alright?" It was Hoseok who asked me, warmth radiated from the taller boy. That once cold stares replaced by his genuine bright smile. I could feel shiver run all over my body, hearing my heart beat faster.

I shyly nodded my head, "I'm alright, Hoseok."

"Then why aren't you smiling?" He said, showing me his heart-shaped grin. So contagious that I'm unconsciously smiled back.

"Good, just like that. You're prettier when you smile." He said and a blush crept on both of my cheeks.

"God, you guys are so disgusting." Jisoo said. I lightly punched her arm.

This was when Jisoo was still my best friend, my one and only girl friend. The prettiest and popular girl in school. Her long wavy hair always complementing her small glowing face. I'm just a sack of potato compared to her. If they said you shall be beautiful from inside and outside, then they must be referring about this girl named Jisoo.

"Just date you two. You both whipped for each other." She playfully said.

"Shall we?" Hoseok winked at me.

Before I could reply anything, another deep voice joined our chat and snaked his arm over my shoulder.

"Come on, we're late for class!" I stared up to be met with his boxy smile.

"Morning, Tae." I greeted him as he grinned widely.

And sooo... that was our routines every day.

Laughing together, hang out together, just the four of us. I could never be more grateful if just, if just someone didn't try to always ruin my small happiness.

But I guess that was a bit too much for me to ask, right?


Jeon Jungkook, my sweet little brother. A smart boy who just entered junior high, became famous within splits of a second he stepping his feet on the school's ground.

His handsome face and a cute bunny smile that melted every girl's heart, his tall body, his talent on the sport. Oh my, his fame even reached the high school side. I guess it was genetic you know, considering Mr. Jeon, his father, our father was as handsome and as talented as he was.

I was truly happy for him, knowing my own brother loved by everyone. Little did I know, the small mischievous thing trying to manipulate those love, turning it to hate toward me.

What did I do to deserve this from you, Jungkook?

What I ever did was loving you, give you what our parents should be giving because they were too busy.

Did I really deserve to be treated this way in return? No.

And it was started with petty lies.

"Noona stole your money mom! I- I was trying to stop her but she-"


"I didn't want to say this but Noona always said how she hated you, dad. I didn't want her to hate you more, I hope she will change. I can't keep this to myself forever."


"Noona skipped class! He dated that horse-faced guy and making out on her room, mom!"


No. No. No!

I have always denied but they said I was lying. So I decided, to just saying yes on everything he accused on me. I gave in, hopefully, he would stop.

But no, he was getting worse.

"Noona had always tormented me at home! I- I never asked to be loved by our parents more. Why she hates me so much?" He said it to one of his classmates, soon that one turned into two, turned into three, and spread wildly to everyone at school.

And you know what the worst? The fact that everyone believed him.

I wanted to hate him, so damn much. But I can't! I just can't!


"Jungkook! Why did you do that?!" I confronted him who was busy reading his book inside his bedroom.

"Did what?" He stared at me with his big doe innocent eyes, yet it wasn't all innocent. After a while, I think I could differentiate, between innocent or just purely evil.

"Oh no, you don't play fool with me. Why are you spreading false rumors about my friends?! Weren't me already enough?!" I raised my voice and slammed his wooden table.

He closed his book and put down his glasses, resting it on the table.

"Do you want to know why?" He stood up in front of me.

" And your pathetic ass deserved it." He pushed his index finger toward the shoulder at each word.

"Why don't you just get lost, forever?" He smirked.

Every word of his had pierced right into my heart. But too bad, I think I already turned numb of them.

"May your wish be granted." I replied to him coldly, walking outside his room and slamming his door hard.

Jungkook didn't know, how his wishes might be granted in the cruelest way that he would regret soon...

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