Chapter 05

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Y O U                                            

It was another chilly night when I walked around the dark alley, with a small growling hungry stomach accompanying my trip.

I almost ordered a take-out earlier. But stupidly falling asleep in the middle of the call.

"Hello?? Miss? Hello?! Your address please!"

I bet the ahjussi who sold the chicken cursed me a lot, thinking I was phone pranking him. It's already 10 pm, almost all cheap food stalls already closed. So I need to find another way to eat something with a humble price.

The cold breeze hit me hard, making me crossed both of my arms, to keep myself warm. I arrived at the small store near the dorm, 'Seven Eleven' which opened for twenty-four hours. The all gate-away to find affordable easy-to-cook food, or aka instant noodle, hah!

I was wandering around the noodle's shelf, contemplating to choose which one I should eat. A bright red colored packaging perked up my interest and I stretched my arm to get it. I flinched a little when my fingers accidentally brushed with another unknown pale hand who was trying to pick up the same choice as I am.

"S-sorry." I bowed to the stranger.

But to my disappointment, it was not a total stranger at all. He was the same pale looking boy from the library I had seen!

My jaw dropped as he smiled at me.

"It's you again." His soft raspy voice echoed inside my head.

I cursed under my breath while grabbing the spicy noodle hurriedly. My own feet quickly stepped back, without replying a single word to him.

The ghost can wander outside the campus now?

I headed straight to the hot water machine, trying to ignore his existence and just focus to finish my food fast and run away back to my safe and sound dorm.

I clicked the button and the warm water started to pour down filling my noodle cup. I waited for three minutes for the noodle to cook. Then, I heard him stepping closer to where I am. Wait, does ghost walk too?

He also clicked the same button, and the warm water started to fill his own cup. He waited while humming some old trot song I think I ever heard before when I was five. How old is he?!

I shook my head and distanced myself exactly one meter away from him. I felt smaller as I sense both of his eyes on me. Why do I see him everywhere I go?! If he was not a ghost, perhaps he was a stalker?!

My heart beating wildly as so many negative thoughts came rushed to my mind at the same time. I slurped all of my noodles fast and coughed hard when I chocked on the soggy thing.

"Here." He offered me his drink.

I took it without a second thought and drank till it was half empty. I wiped some of the fluid that dripped on the corner of my lips. As my breath finally regular, suddenly I realized the huge mistake that I just made.

What if this drink was drugged?

I handed back the bottle to the owner's big hands. "T-thank you," I mumbled and dashed right away to the counter, paying for my food, and his drink. Whether he was simply a stranger, or a ghost, or worst, a creepy stalker, I took nothing for free. I made my grand escape when the cashier guy gave me my small exchange, not even turning my head or bidding the stranger a goodbye.

Like I've told you, I don't deal with some creepy-ghost-stalker.

Meanwhile, inside the store, the pale guy just left dumbfounded. He stared at his own half-empty bottle before finally shook his head and letting out a chuckle.

"You can run but you can't hide." He smiled to himself.

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