Chapter 22

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Y O U           

Taehyung had gone home earlier. He got an unbearable stomachache after finishing his angry sea of red ramyeon plus his parents just came back from France. So here I am, on my lonely way toward my usual favorite place, the library.

My journey wasn't always smooth though.

"What do you want, Seok?" I looked up to meet Hoseok's furious eyes. He sucked in a deep breath before plastering a cocky smile. He just had the audacity to stop in the middle of the empty hallway. With the sunset behind us, his fiery eyes reflected the orangey color of the sky.

"So now you and Taehyung, huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"What do you mean?" Hoseok scoffed before looking at me in disbelieve.

"Are you and Taehyung, finally dating now? Because hell, all people in the campus had known." Hoseok said while brushing his fringe to the back, showing his forehead. A habit he often showed when he was frustrated.

"I don't know where you got that idea but we're not dating. Now move." I walked to his left but he mirrored my movement, blocking my ways.

"What do you want now?!"

"Not dating?! But that wasn't what I witnessed this morning though!" He snarled.

"I saw you two acted lovey-dovey in front of everybody!" Hoseok accused, he then grabbed my shoulder and pinned me to the pillar right on my back.

"So what I've always said is finally come true huh?! In the end, you're dating him! No wonder you keep picking his side when we were dating—" A loud slap collided with his cheek. Hoseok still stared at the ground, disbelieve with what just I did.

I also stared at my now hot palm, couldn't believe what I just did myself.

I just slapped him.

I just slapped Hoseok really hard on his face. He deserved it though.


Stop finding fault in everyone else! Stop blaming anyone but you for our relationship you've ruined yourself!" I yelled at him.

"I'm not the one who cheated." I blinked my tears, pushing his body away with my trembling hands.

But Hoseok grabbed me by the shoulder, holding me tight. He stared and softened his gaze as he leaned closer to mine, he cupped my cheeks, making me look at those chocolatey brown eyes that used to make my heart skipped a beat.

"Listen Y/N— I—"

"Hey, Hoseok." Another familiar raspy voice interrupted our heated session.

"Let her go." Hoseok turned his head to be met with an unfamiliar face.

He furrowed his eyebrows when the stranger male suddenly grabbed my wrist, stealing me away from his grip.

I stared down at the floor, immediately rubbing my teary eyes with the paw of my sleeve.

What the hell he was doing here?

Out of all people, Yoongi had to be the one who witnessed my mental breakdown. So embarrassing.

"Who are you?" Hoseok asked, confusion written all over his face, his frown deepened upon getting our conversation interrupted.

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