Chapter 20

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Y O U             

"Next news came from Yonsei-ro, Seoul. Last Night, Mr. Lee, a man in his twenties was caught in a motorcycle accident. After speeding up against all the traffic light, he finally lost control over his motorcycle and hit an empty building. The only victim was Mr. Lee who was found dead at the scene—"

I turned the TV off and went toward my door. I still couldn't forget yesterday event after Yoongi saved my life. He even asked me if we could be friends, I mean, of course, why not?

Although our first meeting was kinda hilarious, how I ended up thinking he was a ghost or something, but Yoongi was actually a nice guy. So why not?

Why am I disappointed?

I shook my head from the thought and twisted the knob on my door.

"BAHHH!" There was Taehyung with his grey colored hoodie, stood in front of my apartment, shouting right in front of my face.

I gasped loudly, almost slapping his face in reflecting. He shut his eyes tightly, flinching as I raised my hand up in the air.

Both of us sucked in a deep breath, thankfully my palm hasn't collided with his handsome face just yet.



"You're surprising me!" "You almost hit me!"

We both said in unison.

"Your fault though." I grunted,m as I pushed my body between the gap of the door and closed it.

Taehyung pouted his lips cutely, clutching his fist over the backpack he was wearing.

"I just want to surprise you." I rolled my eyes at his statement.

"Well, congratulations, you did it!" I sarcastically replied.

"Anyway, What are you doing here?" I asked Taehyung who gave me a huge grin.

"From now on, I decided to walk you to campus!" I cocked my eyebrow and tilted my head to the side.

"But you don't have your motorcycle m, Tae. Besides, you're living on the opposite block of mine. You'll just be going to have a detour if you come and pick me up." He showed me his signature grin and bounced on his feet.

"Don't worry, I can wake up early and count this as a morning exercise." My lips were parted ready to reject his offer but he placed his long index finger on mine.

"Ssssh. I don't accept no as an answer. I will still stand by the door every morning even if you refuse." He stubbornly stated. I just took in a deep breath before muttering whatever to him.

"Not that I can say no." I murmured defeatedly. "How was your head, Tae?" He rolled his eyes up, thinking he could see his own forehead but you can't, Tae, you can't.

He then lightly touched the bandaid on his head, hissing slightly at the contact. But his winched contorted face didn't take long until his lips curled into a huge smile again. "I think it's getting better." He said optimistically, as always.

I unconsciously smiled back, feeling the sour in my mood disappeared right away.

"Then let's go." I said, walking ahead of Taehyung. Or literally, dragging my twisted ankle after yesterday accident. It didn't take long for Taehyung to realize though.

I mean, it's pretty obvious.

"Why are you walking like that?" He asked me, furrowing his eyebrows together.

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