Chapter 12

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Y O U                    

I stared up into the darkened sky, the grey cloud covering all the blue that once brightening the day. One piece of snow fell right onto my small nose. I stretched my arms trying to catch more snowfall with hands.

"It's snowing!" Taehyung exclaimed, ran out from the small fast food store where we just had our late snack.

The door's bell rang once again, it was Jisoo and Hoseok who came out next. "Woah! First snowfall! White Christmas for this year!" Jisoo added and bounced happily along with Taehyung.

Meanwhile, Hoseok approached me who was still focusing my mind on the tiny little snow.

"I wish I was the snow. Just fall and then melt within a second. Everyone will love me, even just for just a short amount of time. I didn't need to feel the pain, just the love and finally vanished with nothing but happiness." I muttered to myself.

"No." Hoseok suddenly whispered right on my ear, making me flinched in surprise. I widened my eyes as I realized how close our face was when I turned my head on to face his. A blush crept into my chubby cheeks.

"I don't want you to melt like the snow. I want you to be like stars." He smiled

"What- Why? That means you can only see me in the night." I hesitantly added.

"Deng! You're wrong. If you are the star then I'll be the sun!" He replied.

"Anddd?" I arched my eyebrow, waiting for his cheesy answer expectantly. The tingly feeling in my stomach became unbearable.

"You may only visible to human eyes at night. But to me, as the sun, I can see you anytime I wanted." He replied

"You're so cheesy!" I playfully nudged his side and he giggled happily.

I finally found two things I truly fell in love with, one of them was Hoseok, my sunshine, and the other was the stars in the sky. Okay, this may sound cringe but I did love Hoseok a lot.

"I think I finally found what major I wanted to enter in college." I blurted out.

"What is it, what is it?" Taehyung suddenly butted in, He had stuffed his hands inside his pocket because the weather started to get cold.

"I'm going to enter the astronomy."

"Hmmm, that seems boring." He pouted his lips.

"Well, it's not boring to me though." I crossed my arms.

"But I want to enter the same major as you!" Taehyung whined.

"Then it's not my problem! You are supposed to be responsible for your own choice."

"Ugh! Couldn't you choose any other major?" He pleaded showing me his big doe eyes, batting his eyelashes.

"That won't work on me, sir. You can choose any other major. I don't need a little chick to trail whenever I go." I replied sarcastically.

"Okay okay, you two, stop fighting." Jisoo stood between us who were ready to grab each other by hairs.

I furrowed my eyebrow. I really didn't get why Taehyung always followed around. Like seriously, always! We've been friend the longest. I met Taehyung when I was eight in the daycare.

Flashback to a chilly Autumn, 2002

Flashback in the flashback. I know, just bear with it for a while...

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