Special Chapter: Jimin

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"Ah! Just one more soul and I'll be free!" Jimin exclaimed as he laid his back on the white floor.

Yoongi narrowed his gaze, staring at him with a judgmental look.

"Remember. Your 100th soul will always test you." Jimin scoffed and snorted.

"I'm not you, hyung. I can do it just fine." He deadpanned, folding his hands over his chest and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

It's been a rough day for him to catch an escaping soul from a sneaky little kid who just passed away due to his incurable illness. When his soul left his body, he finally could walk for the first time, as his human shell wasn't able to. That's why the kid—who was too excited—keep running around and that exhausted Jimin out.

That kid was his 99th soul with just one more to go, Jimin was already thrilled by the excitement. After he collected his 100th soul what he needed to do is just wait until his 1000 years passed and he'll be reborn again for his second life, for his second chance. And he swore in his next life he'll live properly unlike however he lived in the past that made him ended up as a grim reaper.

"Stop bothering me, hyung. Just go bother your girlfriend who doesn't even remember who you are." Jimin sarcastically referred to Y/N who had become a grim reaper and totally forgot about her past, including Yoongi too.

"You little piece of shit." Yoongi kicked Jimin. The younger groaned in pain, rolling his body to the side.

"Hey! You are just taller by one centimeter! So stop calling me little!" Jimin sat up angrily and huffed his cheeks.

"One centimeter does matter." Yoongi grinned and sticking his tongue out at the younger grim before disappearing into the thin air as Jimin stood up, fuming.

"Yah!" Jimin about to grab Yoongi's black hair but the man was already gone.

"Stupid." Jimin muttered under his breath before placing his palm on the top head to measure how far one centimeter was, he glanced up to look over his head.

"It's almost impossible to see." Their height difference, he meant.

Jimin flopped back on the ground, smiling widely. Once he finished his task a grim he promised he'll granted himself a long vacation and lots of treats. Then just wait a while until the time he'll reborn as a human again.

After a long time watching the human, it would be lying if he wasn't jealous of their living. Jimin wanted to go to college like every other man around his age would do. Judging by his appearance, Jimin could already guess he died at a young age and he couldn't help but pity himself.

He wanted to make a lot of friends. He wanted to have a dream too. He wanted to have a happy family that will stick to him through thick and thin. And maybe, he could fall in love too.

He envied Yoongi actually. Even when the older was a grim reaper just like him, he still experienced love when Jimin didn't.

He wanted to feel it too, the way his heart will race loudly against his chest. The way his blood would rush up to his head tinted his cheeks with pink. Mind went dizzy as his eyes only set to one certain person and all he could think was his loved one. A sickeningly sweet smile that will always latch on his face 24/7 whenever he thinks about that person.

How exciting the feeling was... the feeling that made his death felt more alive. Jimin wanted to experience it all.

But too bad, he's already dead.

Yoongi sighed defeatedly as he sat next to Y/N on the edge of the building.

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