Chapter 06

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Y O U                                     

"Can you tell me again, what are we exactly doing here?" Taehyung nudges me from the side.

We were on our knees, sitting inside a dimly light room. Red curtains surrounding us. Some old Joseon styled paintings and statues all over the interior. Candles everywhere to complete the eerie vibes around the small house. There was a small classic wooden table in front of us. Decorated with some offerings and shamanic tools.

"I sensed an evil spirit!" The middle-aged woman suddenly barged into the room with her unusual hanbok attire and a weird bells on her right hand. She pointed the bells towards me, making them rang furiously. Both of me and Taehyung had flinched and squeezed our body closer to each other. Taehyung was clinging and hiding onto me.

What a coward...

Yes, we were inside a shaman's house.

You know... those people with supernatural powers?

"M-me?!" I stuttered.

"You were followed by a restless spirit!" I nodded furiously, how did she know?!

On my side, Taehyung was staring at the woman weirdly while both his eyebrows knitted together.

A weird mantra escaped the old shaman's bright red lips, making me and Taehyung both shut our eyes tightly. She took out some yellow paper from her drawer and kept on shouting at it. Poor paper.

Suddenly, there was silence.

Taehyung and I opened our eyes slowly and the woman handed me the yellow talisman.

"W-what is this?" I asked the woman while staring at the piece of paper. It had some red colored letters written on it.

"Always bring this to repel the evil spirit and whenever you see one, put this on them. They will be banished right away." She explained while flopping down the floor.

"And thatttt will be twenty thousand won." She said

"Wait! What?! That is a rip-off!" Taehyung raised his voice at the old woman who just shrugged.

She took back the talisman and said "Take it or leave it. Ahhhh, this is why I don't deal with teenage bums."

I snatched back the talisman and threw out the money at her. "This is your money ma'am. And for your information, we are not some teenage bums."

She scoffed "Good thing then." She took the money and stuffed it inside her hanbok.

She turned her head to face Taehyung who was glaring at her. She signaled him to come closer with her slender index finger. She whispered something to the boy.

"If you wanted to be with this girl over here. I have the things that would help you to be with your long last unrequited love." She winked at the boy.

I saw Taehyung face turned red and his eyes widened as the woman whispering something I couldn't hear. I tilted my head to the side and Taehyung just abruptly stood up.

"L-let's get out of here!" He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled us out to meet the sunlight.

Taehyung stopped his feet to where he parked his motorcycle. He kept on muttering angry words that sounded like gibberish to me. Did he even speak Korean? I just sighed at his weird persona.

"What did she tell you, Tae?" I asked the flustered boy

"N-nothing. Just stupid things." He said grabbing my helmet and helped me to put it on.

"Why did you need the paper thing anyway?! I think she might be a con artist." He accused the woman angrily.

"You wouldn't believe me if I tell you." I told him while took out my wallet and hide the yellow paper inside one of its pockets.

"I'm listening." He leaned his back to his big black motorcycle.

"You knew the ghost story from the library right?" He nodded

"I think that the ghost had been following me." Taehyung bit down his lips.

"D-don't laugh, Tae! I'm being serious over here!" I said puffing my cheeks.

"You must be kidding me." He laughed his ass off.

"Did I look like someone who enjoys this kind of joke? I won't waste twenty thousand won for a stupid joke, Tae!" I raised my voice

"You're not being serious, right?" His laugh slowly faded off.

"I'm a deadly serious man. If what I saw wasn't a ghost. I must have gone crazy then." I let out a deep sigh.

"Remember that one last time you picked me up at the library? You asked me why I was talking to myself?" He nodded confusedly

"I was not alone at that time, Tae. I've been talking to this pale looking shortie pretty—ugh—guy. When you suddenly came and poof! He was gone." I tried to gather my words.

Taehyung just stared blankly at me. "You don't believe me right? Le-let just go now." I said patting his arm.

He wore his helmet and black leather jacket as he jumped on his motorcycle. I hopped to the small space behind him and placed my arms on his waist.

He started the machine with a loud noise but then he suddenly took out the key and the machine stopped. He signaling me to hop off as he put his helmet down.

He got off from his vehicle and walked back to the shaman's house. He told me to wait outside.

"Did you forget something?" I asked the guy who just simply ignored me. I took out my phone and absentmindedly scrolling down on my Instagram while waiting for Taehyung to do whatever business he got inside.

Meanwhile, Taehyung had entered the small room once again. The woman smiled. "I know you will come back." She teased the young boy

"Give me the thing that will help me to win her heart."

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