Chapter 03

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Y O U                                            

The image of that new guy I've never seen before kept flashing behind my eyes. The only thing I wanted to know right now was his name.

"Y/N..." someone waving his big slender hand in front of my eyes making me blinked twice.

"Y/N! Are you even listening?" He shouted and I snapped.

"Uh-oh Sorry, Tae." He sighed in defeat.

"What's caught in your mind? You keep spacing out. We were in a pretty serious conversation over here." He protested

Kim Taehyung, my one, and only last best friend. The one who didn't leave me for love like, Jisoo. Or the one who betrayed me like, Hoseok. He is a bit quirky but I love him, in a friendly way.

"So... did you know... that a male student died of suicide, hanging himself inside the library?" He suddenly got my attention. I gulped and stared right into his brown orbs.

"Did you know that I will study late at the library tonight?" A shiver run down to my spine, why did he tell me this now?

"So, do you want to hear this story or not?" He cocked an eyebrow

"Continue." Curiosity kills the cat.

"They said, he was too stressed and always studying late at night. But one day, his pale body was found hanging near the staircase. Some of them said, he was hanging himself, but the other said, he was murdered. Considering the fact, his body was a bit short, and the shelf ladder won't help him either. Someone else must hang his body for him." He continued with a low voice, unconsciously, I leaned closer to hear more clearly,

Suddenly, our classroom's door slammed open with a very loud thud. Making both of us shouted in surprise.

"Holy shit!" Taehyung gasped, both hands on his chest, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

There stood our astronomy professor, Kim Seokjin.

"Keep it PGA Please." He said

"We didn't—" I widened my eyes and pulled my face away from Taehyung, cheeks flushed red.

"Sorry prof, come on, babe, let's continue this somewhere else." Taehyung winked at me.

"We weren't!" Taehyung grabbed my wrist and pulled us to the canteen, I still haven't even clarified that we weren't doing anything, sigh.

"Kids, nowadays." Prof Kim Seokjin shook his head.

We arrived at a very very empty canteen. Quite unusual but then I remembered, it was Saturday so we had less student.

"What the hell, Tae!" I slipped my wrist out of his grasp, rub it slowly.

He just rolled his eyes up. "I'm hungry..." he whined

"Then eat," I said

"But I forgot my wallet.." he pouted, oh my that pout.

"Fine Fine. Ramyeon on me." He jumped excitedly and snaked his arms on my shoulder.

I felt like someone had been watching me from behind my back. I turned around to see that guy from yesterday! He stared at me, far from the corner of the canteen, keeping an unreadable expression plastered on his pale face.

"Y/N..." Taehyung called me

"What do you want?" He asked

"Ugh— as usual," I answered and turned around, yet, that guy was no longer to be seen, again.

Actually, this is something I wrote like a year ago, along with Wolf Allergic. But never got the chance to publish it. I tried a new writing style. Hopefully this story turns out alright 😔

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