Chapter 23

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Y O U         

It's almost the end of the autumn. The leaves were no longer orangey, they have withered and fallen from its tree— And I just didn't get why we have to prepare a festival in the midst of these cold weather.

"Bwahahahahahha! What the hell, Tae!" One of our classmates suddenly shouted, pointing at the door where Taehyung just walked in, wearing a...

Female maid dress?

"Taehyung!" I stormed toward him, pushing him outside the class, but there were many more students outside than in the inside, so I lowered my head and pulled him back in.

"What on earth are you wearing?!" I whisper-yelled. He blinked his eyes innocently at me.

"Uhm, you told me to be a maid, right?" I groaned furiously.

"Yes! But male maid, Tae, not a female!" I looked up and down from head to toe.

He was wearing a white ruffle headband around his hair, black one-piece dress with a skirt that only reached to his knee, I could see his muscly and hairy feet underneath, definitely not aesthetic. A white-colored apron with ruffle similar to his headband wrapped tightly around his body.

If Taehyung's body was smaller, this costume shall fit, we can fix it with a wig. But nope, not in a body of a black belt, he looked horrendous!

"But the girls told me to wear this..." he turned around while playing with his skirt, thankfully he wore a white shorts underneath it.

I facepalmed myself. Those sneaky girls I swear to God. "Go change now! Ask them to give you the butler costume. God." I pointed my finger toward the door where Taehyung finally walked out with sulk plastered on his face.

The confidence he had.

"Yah! Y/N, you're very no fun!" One of my classmates shouted from the back of the room. I turned my head at him and he immediately shut his mouth tight.

"Not funny, guys! Let's go back to work!" And so everyone gets back on their track to prepare a small cafe inside.

We prepared over six hours until it's almost 10 am. We have to open our small cafe and thankfully Taehyung came back right at the time and with the right costume.

He walked in with his hair neatly brushed, parted in the middle, you can see his flawless forehead in between his soft brown locks. He wore a black blazer on top of a black vest and white shirt tucked in black cotton pants and a pair of newly polished black shoes.

"Perfect." I murmured and admired his beauty.

"You should've worn this since earlier, Tae! You look handsome." I could see him blushing furiously, he just shyly nodded at my statement.

I smiled widely for a few seconds before pursing it into a thin line.

"Now go to your post." I told him coldly. Taehyung pouted his lips cutely before walking inside the cafe and stood behind the counter.

Today, he will be the cashier since he's good at math.

And me? Nah, I'll just watch it from afar since I'm the supervisor anyway. Teehee~

Our cafe immediately crowded once it opened, you can see a hella long line outside the classroom.

Well, thanks to Taehyung and some of our classmates that were blessed by heaven with their attractive figures, most of our customers that were consisted of girls attacked our place right away.

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