Chapter 39

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Y O U  

I immediately threw myself on top of the mattress once I reached back home.

There was nothing I wanted to do other than to just fall asleep and let this pain go away.

I didn't even bother to take off my socks or even changing my clothes as my eyes slowly fluttered closed.

Not until I heard the repeating knocks over the door.

"Who the hell..." I groaned, trying to block the noises with a pillow but failed miserably when the knock was getting louder.

"Damnit..." cursing under my breath, I pushed my own body up before standing up from the bed and stumbling toward my front door.

My hand was already touching the knob when the knocking sound turned into a slam instead. I quickly unlocked the door, opened it wide.

I swear to God whoever this person is if they don't shut up by now, imma smack—

"Y/N-Ah..." I widened my eyes to see Yoongi was the one who stands behind the closed door, he looked at me worriedly before suddenly reaching up to hold my hand and pulled me out.

"Wait... Yoongi! What the hell?!" I snatched my hand away, rubbing my wrist he had just held too tight.

He didn't say a word instead of trying to grab my hand again and that's when I stepped back before accidentally tripped on my own foot. I fell harshly on the floor, my butt collided with the hard ground.

I heard him gasped and immediately crouched in front of me.

"Be careful!" He snapped, holding my shoulders trying to help me up.

Why is he the one who gets angry?

I shook his hands away. "Don't touch me!"

I didn't like it when someone yells at me, especially not with this painful throb over my head. It doubled the pain, his voice rang twice inside my ears.

I looked at him angrily, a tear threatening to fall at the corner of my eyes.

He tried to hold my shoulder again, this time he softened his gaze. "Hey, I'm sorry, okay?"

"Let me help you, please?" I keep my eyes on the marble floor and just pursed my lips into a thin line. I let him picked my body up, now standing on my own feet.

He then carefully reached my hand, intertwined mine with his before gently tugged me with him.

"Where are you going to bring me, Yoongi?" I asked.

"We have to go to the hospital." I stopped deadly on my track, pulling my hand from his grip.

"No. That's unnecessary!" I shook my head, wrapping my body with my own arms as I felt the wind blew strongly.

"You're sick Y/N. We have to check you up." He insisted.

But out of all places, I wanna be right now, anywhere but the hospital.

I didn't understand why but I have a bad feeling if I have to go there now. It felt like I will hear bad news. But what I got is just a normal fever, right? It's no big deal, right?

So why do I feel this strange knot on my stomach?

"I just need to sleep, Yoongi, and you're not helping!" I turned my heels around in an attempt to go back to my safe shelter but Yoongi grabbed my arm, turning me around. He looked extremely pissed right now.

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