Chapter 09

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Y O U                              

⚠️ Trigger warning!

"Hey, noona." Jungkook greeted while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. He couldn't even look into my eyes

"Oh... hi." I replied back. "What with the sudden visit?" I asked my half brother, trying to break the silence.

"Uh— oh, mother sent us Kimchi. And here is, one pack for you." He handed me the glasses Tupperware crumpled with freshly made kimchi in it.

"She did? Oh well, thanks for giving it to me." I tried to creep up a smile while arching my left eyebrow, he just lied to me.

We both know how broken our relationship was. We never talked again since that day happened. I didn't know whether to take that day as bliss or curse. But I was glad at least my half brother, Jeon Jungkook, stop harassing me. I finally achieved my inner peace.

I was quite surprised that the guy who used to hate me, stood in front of me, with guilts written all over his face. He even didn't dare to speak with me before, so why with the sudden visit out of the blue? Using mom's kimchi as an excuse. Mom never sent me kimchi. Because she knew I always ate outside.

Jungkook opened his thin lips trying to form a word, "I—"

"Jungkook?" Another deep voice joined us. What a great time.

Taehyung stomped his feet toward us with her half soaked body and also bleeding head?!

"Taehyung?! What's going on?" I ran toward him and caressed his forehead. He shrugged my hand with a scowl on his face. He peeked behind me to see the boy still who was still on his school uniform.

"What with this asshole doing here?" He frowned seeing the younger.

If a gaze could kill, Jungkook probably already dead by now. He didn't even dare to lift his head, he felt so small under Taehyung threatening eyes.

"He just brought me kimchi pack from mom." I replied to him.

I felt so sorry for Jungkook, no matter how much he had to hurt me back in the past, he was still my brother after all. I was the one who practically taking care of him when he was a baby. I just couldn't hate him.

"If you have done then, fuck off." Taehyung growled, his brown eyes pierced into Jungkook's black ones. He gulped and quickly took his leave.

"Geez, Tae, you're being too harsh at him!" I whisper shouted at the brunette boy and lightly punching his chest.

"Where are you going?!" He called me but I kept on walking trying to chase Jungkook who already entered the elevator. I could already imagine how Taehyung groaned while rolling his eyes to the back right now.

A few more step and I almost lost him.

"Wait!" I stretched my arm, using it to block the elevator door from closing. The door bounced and opened back.

I widened my eyes when I saw Jeon Jungkook, shedding tears.

The manipulative Jungkook can cry?

My lips were agape in disbelieve. What kind of game he was trying to play this time? I really have no idea.

He sniffed and rubbed his tears and snots away with his red striped sweaters paw.

"What?" He asked with his usual grumpy tone.

"You want to talk to me, right? Now talk." I entered the elevator, closing the door without pressing any number, both of us stuck inside the unmoving steel box.

"Nothing." He sniffed.

"Are you sure?" I cocked my eyebrow

"Because of this probably your one and only chance if you want to say something to me. You know your pride won't make it to the next time."

Jungkook the stares into me, with the most apologetic expression he had ever shown in his entire life.

"I-I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"What?!" I raised my voice in disbelieve.

The Jeon Jungkook? Apologizing to me? The most filthy creature he actually ever met? His own sister.

Wow. Am I going to die soon? Wait, don't jinx it.

"I'm sorry okay! For everything, I had done. I'm really sorry, Noona. I'm so sorry. I can't breath holding this feeling anymore. I felt like dying every day. I'm sorry for almost killing you." He cried really hard that day. Even more hard than the rain that pouring outside right now.

He looked so broken, the thing that I never thought would witness before the world end. He sounded genuine, for the very first time, he sounded like the 5 years old Jungkook I thought I had lost. My sweet little brother.

I unconsciously hugged his taller body. My hands reached for his soft black locks and lowered his head to my shoulder. I patted his head lightly and smiled. This day finally had come, this day where my brother, actually brave enough to apologize for everything he did to me.

"Hey, stop crying, alright?"

"I- I almost killed you- it's all my fault.." He muttered again as the sad memory flashing back inside my mind, just like a broken record.

Red water filling the tub, flooding the patterned marble floor. There also laid my half unconscious body with my white shirt uniform slowly turning red. Matching the color of my own blood.

"Open the door!" I heard shouting from outside the small room. The door kept being knocked loudly.

'So noisy!' I wanted to scream. But I was too tired to even open my eyes. I just sighed. A little bubble formed in the water as I did.

I breathed in and I breathed out, breathed in, breathed out. Geez, I'm too tired of this repetitive action. I slowly let my self, free. It was too blurry for me when I saw a tall guy broke into the locked bathroom, right on that time, I decided to stop breathing.

And so I did. The head that once submerged, slowly sinking and disappeared.

"Noona!" My younger brother shouted. That was the last thing I heard before everything turned black and empty.

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