Chapter 16

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Y O U                         

"Tae?" I called his name as I entered the dimly lit room.

Taehyung was still stuck in my apartment, on my bed to be exact, he caught a fever in the middle of the night.

Of course, how can he not get sick?— When he didn't go to the hospital yesterday, soaked wet by the rain, came knocking my door instead?

I called his name but he wasn't answering, perhaps...

I turned on the light and found him still curling on my bed, hiding his face with the same purple hoodie I gave him yesterday.

I breathed out an exasperated sigh, placing the porridge I just bought and my bag on the table before slowly approaching him.

"Tae..." I softly whispered on his ears, I could see him shivering, hugging his own body.

"Taehyung-Ah... wake up..." I called once again, lightly shaking his shoulder but again, he wasn't responding.

"Taehyung— Aagh!" He pulled me forcefully on his chest, hugging me tightly. The sudden action caught me off guard, almost making me having a mini heart attack.

"Gotcha!" He grinned mischievously as he turned our position around, me underneath him instead. He placed both of his hands beside my head, trapping me inside.

"What the hell!" I shrieked almost reflexively. But the culprit didn't seem to show any kind of remorse, instead, Taehyung laughed even louder.

"Look at your face!" He said, pointing his index finger at me.

And I must say I wasn't amused, at all.

It took him a quite while before he realized how angry I was. My eyes were boring a hole into his.

Taehyung swallowed thickly, I could see his Adam apple moving up and down as he did.

"I'm sorry I—" He was trying to stand up, propping himself with his elbow but Goddamnit Taehyung and his genetical clumsiness which he inherited from his parents, he slipped on his own elbow and his face fell right on top of mine instead, even closer than before.

Our noses were touching. I could feel his breath tickling my lips and suddenly he breathed heavily, his cheeks were burning red.

He abruptly stood up from the bed, from the awkward position we were in. He covered his mouth and cheeks with one of his huge palms.

"Hey, are you alright? Are you still burning?" I asked worriedly, I saw his face even redder than last night, what if his fever was getting worse?

He shook his head furiously. "I—I'm okay... don't worry, d-don't..." he stuttered.

I sighed and sat up on my bed.

"I bought you a porridge on the table, eat it while I'm taking a shower. We will go to the hospital after this." He pouted his lips again at me.

"I hate needle, you know that, right?" Is that even a question?

I remembered that one time when we were in junior high, at that time when Taehyung had begun more popular in school, every student had to take a shot at the infirmary. A vitamin the school had prepared as the cold season getting near.

Taehyung had embarrassed himself in front of everyone as he cried when the needle wasn't even piercing into his skin yet. All the girls had been whispering and gossiping about it. Some found it adorable, some found him not as they were expecting. The cool black belt from Taekwondo club. Some fell in love more and some fell out of it.

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