Chapter 32

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Y O O N G I    

I was staring fondly at the girl who's now sleeping peacefully on her small bed as I crouched next to her. I brushed her hair slowly and humming a lullaby. She opened her eyes feeling my presence as her eyes staring right into mine.

"Why are you still here?" She asked with her hoarse voice, she had been crying for hours witnessing the horrible accident earlier. Still couldn't stop to blame herself for everything that happened, no matter how much I stated the opposite.

She shed my hands away, harshly, turned her back on me.

"Go home now. I'm really grateful that you have saved me earlier. But I really need some time alone." She sniffles.

"No. I won't leave you. Not on this state." I stated firmly as I knew well what's inside her mind.

"I just wanted to sleep!" She suddenly yelled at me.

Liar. I know she would do something stupid once I stepped my feet out of her small apartment.

"Sleeping forever by swallowing all of your pills?" She turned her head, staring at me dumbfounded. Her eyebrows raised high as her lips parted apart trying to ask me an obvious question.

"How did I know?" I chuckled a bit, arching my left eyebrows.

"I can read you like an open book, panini head." I patted her head lightly as she pouted her lips, she pushed my hands away again and I felt a little bit hurt by that.

"Don't you even dare to think to waste my effort for saving you earlier. I won't let that happen." I said to her.

She groaned trying to sit, upon her bed, "do you need something?" I asked and helped her to sit straight.

"Yoongi." She breathed heavily.

"I want you to be honest. Like really honest!" She said, eyes fixed on me.

"Okay?" I shrugged confusedly.

"How do you always know whenever I was in danger? Did you stalk me at the college, huh? Why Yoongi, why? A-and t-that one time I saw you and your friend jumped from the campus rooftop—"

I widened my eyes. Did she see us?
Damnit. This is all Jimin's fault!

I always knew she's gonna asked me this question sooner or later. It was right after several attempts saving her life from numerous horrifying events. But I never thought she would see us teleporting. What should I say to her now?

Although I was totally flustered, I kept my poker face plastered on— one of my most valuable talents.

Unfortunately, I couldn't say the truth to her. At least, not for now.

I sighed, "What are you talking about? Jumping from the roof? Is that even possible?" I chuckled a bit, mocking her with my expression. She then lowered her eyes feeling shy all of sudden.

"I know what I've seen, Yoongi..." she whispered lowly, suddenly not feeling confident with her own statement.

"If I jumped from the roof, I should be dead by now, don't you think?" She looked up at me, tilted her head confused.

"W-well that's true but—"

"Maybe you're just tired." I sighed.

She furrowed her eyes own me. "Then how come you always be there to save me?! Every single time?! There must be some non-scientific explanation for that right?" She blabbered.

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