Special Chapter: You

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Kim Myunghee was her name. A young girl who was born in an average happy family. Her parents had sent her to be one of the palace court ladies— The King's woman. Because for all women during that time, being one of the court ladies brought honor to the family.

Although unlike the other court lady, who's working in the palace and desperate to gain the King's attention so they could be one of his concubines, Myunghee only has her eyes set on another noble male instead.

She was doing a pile of laundry in the middle of noon when she saw him passed by. He was wearing a light blue colored hanbok, walked underneath the sunlight that made his porcelain white skin glowing than it already was.

"Oh my god." She nudged another girl next to her, who's rolling her eyes as she watched her best friend's eyes gleaming with love.

"Snap out of it." Her friend told.

Myunghee ignored her remark and continued staring at the handsome male from afar.

"Myunghee-Ah. Remember who we are... we are the King's woman. There is no way you can be—" Myunghee shoved a pile of clothes onto her friend's face.

"Ugh shut up. Let me enjoy this for a while." She spatted.

Her best friend groaned and threw the laundry away before continuing her work next to the small stream.

"Look at him... how can someone so gorgeous like him exist?" Myunghee cooed. Her friend just snorted and shook her head in disbelieve, because it was the hundred times she told her that.

While the other girls were head over heels for the King, Myunghee had set her eyes to someone else instead.

He was standing underneath the tree while reading a book. His button nose would scrunch a little when he's too focused. His cheeks would turn into a peach pink whenever the autumn breeze lightly touched it.

She could only admire from the distance, she has no courage nor chance to be close to him.

After all, she's the lady who was reserved for the King. The only man the law forbids her to love was the King. Meanwhile, the King himself can love and be with whoever he wanted by choosing a few lucky from many court ladies inside the castle. Sad isn't it?

Because Myunghee knew, an average girl like her won't stand a chance to win such a royalty heart. She hated her parents' decided to send her into the palace, for letting her witted as a lone flower until many years passed by.

Her dream to have a tiny family with the man she loves will remain only as a dream for the rest of her life.

She couldn't choose nor change her current life path but can't she enjoyed this moment for a while? His presence alone was enough to make her dull and boring life, be happy once in a while.

"Myunghee-Ah, Go back to work!" Her friend whined.

Myunghee glared at her friend before taking a deep breath. She picked one robe unwillingly before brushing it with soap while her eyes still glued on one certain male.

Then she watched him walking away as another middle-aged man called for his name.

"Yoongi." She heard it.

Myunghee bit her lower lip happily. At least she knew what is his name now.

She carved it inside her mind in the hope she'll never forget.

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