Chapter 444

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Y O U                              

The moonlight found the way to shine along the dark road I took ahead.

Stupid Taehyung and his stupid ghost story. Why did I listen to it in the first place? Now I had to walk to the library alone, in the middle of the night!

"Please please pleaseeeee, Tae." I begged him to accompany me.

"Ugh— nooo, I wanted to sleep." He ignored my request and ran away back to his dorm.

I let out a deep breath as I finally arrived in front of the library entrance, safe and sound. I opened the big wooden door to be welcomed with a long silence.

The library was not empty, but it was still too quiet. Some of the last year students could be seen studying with earphones plugged on both ears. Those students were very sensitive, even the slightest noise could make them angry, how could they hear it with those things plugged on? I shrugged it off and took an empty spot at the corner of the library, near the staircase.

Now that I have listened to Taehyung's ghost story, the staircase suddenly looked so eerie.

I gulped down the saliva back to my throat,

"Ghosts aren't real, a ghost isn't real." I kept on chanting inside my mind. I sat down and decided to just focus to finish my assignment as soon as possible.

When the memories of Taehyung's ghost story started to fade, a small creaked sound happened to be heard nearby. Someone had pulled out a seat, which made me broke into a cold sweat. I didn't dare to lift my head as I afraid, what if it's the ghost?!

Oh no, my body had mind on their own. I raised my head slowly and welcomed by the view that made my heart fastened its pace. But for a different reason,

it was the pale pretty guy from yesterday!

I squealed inside.

I kept on stealing glances at the pale looking guy. He was just there as if I do not exist. But I never had the guts to start a conversation, so here I am, just randomly stare at the stranger. He was reading his book seriously, keeping a poker face and not even moving a single muscle of his body.

I widened my eyes, speaking of not moving a single muscle. I realized how he never actually flip the page of his book.

What the hell he was doing?

Just staring at that one page, with no expression at all.

A shiver started to run down to my spine.

"They said, he was too stressed and always studying late at night. But one day, his pale body was found hanging near the staircase."

His pale body, pale body, pale...

"Some of them said, he was hanging himself, but the other said, he was murdered. Considering the fact, his body was a bit short,"

His body was a bit short, short, still taller than me but short...

I remembered Taehyung's story and the descriptions somehow matched the young guy who was sitting nearby. I gulped.

"Oh my, I think I need to look for more book over there, haha." I mumbled to my self, practically like an idiot. I stood up from my seat and just run walking away to any nearby shelf, hiding from the stranger who somehow finally got his gaze on me.

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