Chapter 27

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Y O U       
One summer, present

"It's okay... I'm here... you're safe..." Yoongi kept chanting those words into my ears and they worked magically.

I melted into his touch, hugging him tighter with my trembling hands. Listening to his soft heartbeat, calming me a bit. Despite the sound of wave crashing that was still clear rang inside ears.

"W-What's going on?" I heard Taehyung croaked. I didn't pull away from the hug, I didn't see Yoongi was glaring at the poor clueless boy.

"Don't you see? She's afraid of water." The pale boy spatted.


"I thought you guys were friends. How didn't you know that?" Yoongi snarled.

But the right question wasn't how Taehyung didn't know that.

"How did you know?" I pulled away, looking straight at his dark feline eyes.

Yoongi who currently narrowing his gaze at Taehyung finally looked down at me.

He didn't answer, just pursing his lips into a thin line. Unreadable expression plastered on his face.

"Y/N-Ah... can you please explain? I— why would you—" Taehyung suddenly interrupted. He tugged on the wet sleeve of my shirt.

I looked down over the water that still reached up to my neck.

"I'm afraid of water Tae. Very." I admitted, Taehyung stared at me with eyes full of guilt.

"But it's not your fault! It's mine! I should've told you..."

"I should've known!" Taehyung raised his voice.

"I should've known..." I pushed Yoongi away, swam toward Taehyung who's now hanging his head low.

"Hey..." I cupped his face, running my thumb softly caressing his cheek. His reddening cheeks had turned pale, it was all because of me.

"I'm sorry okay? I should've told you. But I didn't. It's not your fault, hmm." Taehyung shook his head furiously.

"It is! I didn't listen to you when you tell me to stop, to not let you go. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." Taehyung sobbed.

"Hey. I told you it's okay... It's not your fault. I just... let me explain to you everything, okay? Can we at least, get out of the water first?" Lies.

I'm not going to tell him the truth. If Taehyung knew I almost died of suicide. If he knew Jungkook was the reason why... He will never forgive neither me or my little brother.

I heard a loud scoff coming from another male I just ignored. Speaking of this male,

"What are you doing here, Yoongi? In Busan? Are you perhaps, stalking me?" I meant my question.

Why would he be everywhere when I'm in danger? Even cross-city? Did he put a tracker on me or what? Was he working as a secret agent or something? But then again, I'm just an average citizen who wasn't that important to be protected. So why?

Yoongi scoffed at my accusation. "Don't get ahead of yourself. I was visiting a friend. He lives in Busan." He then pointed his finger toward a male who stood by the beach.

I diverted my gaze toward the direction he was pointing at. There was a man around his height, wearing a plain white shirt and cream-colored shorts. He got black glasses covering his eyes, his pink plump lips were displayed underneath.

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