Chapter 19

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Y O U            

I shut my eyes tight, clutching on my own body, clutching for my own life.

Another second passed by and that's when I snapped my eyes to open wide.

I'm alive, I am still alive!

I heard the engine revving, turning my head around to see the motorcycle speeding up instead.

"What the hell!" I heard a familiar voice cursing underneath me.

Wait a minute...

Underneath me?!

Slowly I looked down to meet his black orbs, the ones that still shining as if they're reflecting the night sky above us. That's the moment I realized how his arms were securely wrapped around my torso while mine was on top of his chest. His clothes were disheveled, I could see his collarbone, his flawless skin, on display. There was no space between us, I could even feel his heat on mine, the heat that slowly reached to both of my cheeks.

There was Yoongi, hugging me tightly as he glared at the motorcycle which almost hit me.

"That piece of shit—" He cursed again, his hot breath fanning on my nose as our faces were only an inch apart.

He finally turned his gaze on me,

on me who was blushing madly at our close proximity. Can he hear my loud heartbeat? Can he hear my breath hitching?

"Are you alright?" Yoongi asked with a face full of concern, one of his hand slowly reached the back of my head, his fingers gently brushing my hair.

I felt shiver ran down to my spine and gave him a weak nod as the words were caught at the back of my throat.

He just saved me.

I sat up almost abruptly. He coughed at me while covering half of his face with that big palm of his.

"Can you stand up please?" His index was pointing on where I was sitting. I sat on his lap...

Wait, you want me to give you the exact location? Fine! I sat on his crotch, alright? Is there any way to get this situation even more awkward? I don't know!

Because the next thing I knew, I screeched and stood up almost immediately.

Yoongi coughed once more, before propping his thin figure with his elbows, slowly getting up.

He tapped his dirtied pants, before slowly meeting my eyes again. He took one and two steps closer.

"Are you alright?" He repeated the same question while looking my body up and down, searching for any injuries and his eyes finally landed on my knees.

"It's bleeding." I looked down on my pants, I wore dark color jeans so I couldn't see what he was referring to.

"Your left knee is bleeding." He pointed once again.

I furrowed my eyebrows closer, how on earth I was supposed to know it's bleeding or not? It was all covered by my pants, no leak could be seen, how on earth he knew it anyway? But then I felt it, the stinging pain on my left knee, that's when I realized, well, maybe it's actually bleeding.

Is he a psychic or something?

"What did I told you about sending you home, huh?" He nagged once again, just like my mother when I wasn't listening.

not in a million years ✔ | Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now