Chapter 38

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The very next day, Y/N woke up feeling a painful throb over her head.

She sat up on her bed, feeling lump threatening to come out of her throat. She pulled the sheet out of her body before running toward the bathroom.

And the next thing she knew she had thrown up all of the food Taehyung had bought her yesterday as dinner.

"You look pale. Are you sure you're alright?" Jisoo asked her, worry written all over her face.

Y/N just quietly nod, hugging a small book tightly to her chest.

"You're burning!" She exclaimed once she touched her forehead.

"I'm fine, Jisoo." She sighed, eyes wondering around the campus hallway.

Jisoo stopped deadly on her track before moving to block her path.

"You should go home, now." She suggested but Y/N shook her head instead.

"I'm fine, Jisoo-Ah. I have a test I shouldn't miss today. Don't worry. I'll go home as soon as the class is over." The slightly shorter girl smiled trying to assure her best friend.

Jisoo frowned deeply. "Don't be stubborn. You can retake the test later. Do you think you can finish it with your head spinning like this?"

Y/N just placed a hand on top of her shoulder, tapping it lightly. "I can, don't worry."

Honestly, it was not the test that made her determined to stay. It was rather someone's presence.

She has to look for him now, she needed his explanation and for the very first time as if the universe was finally on her side, she caught a glimpse of him by the end of the hallway, leaning his back against the wall, earphones attached in both ears.

"Wait here. I have to speak to someone." Y/N said, moving away from Jisoo whose eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She watched Y/N jogged away toward another male she had never seen before.

"Yoongi!" Y/N panted as she now stood in front of the male.

He raised one of his eyebrows before pulling out one of his earphones.

"You look pale. Are you okay?" Yoongi asked, noticing her dry and chapped lips, as well as the cold sweat dripping on her forehead.

"This." She raised a book instead of answering his question.

"This is the book I've lost during my childhood. How can you have it?" She asked, eyes full of wonders.

The black-haired male reached out to his phone he stuffed in his pocket, turning the music off. He tilted his head to the side, pursing his lips into a thin line.

"How did you have this, Yoongi?!" Y/N raised her voice out of frustration.

The fact that Yoongi had been constantly lying to her mixed with the painful pound over her head since last night, made her mood turned sour.

"Answer me!" She shouted.

Yoongi widened his two eyes with her sudden outburst before he placed his palm to touch her forehead.

"You're freaking burning!" He exclaimed, surprised with the heat that coming out of her body.

Y/N gritted her teeth before shoving his hand away.

"It's none of your business. Answer me!" Her cheeks turned red, anger laced on her face.

"I found it at a second-hand store." He answered, gazing on the floor.

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