Chapter 42

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Y O U  

A week has passed and I'm still not getting any better.

Yes, officially, I think I can say I'm going to die soon.


Hah! Kidding.

I was kidding I swear to God.

But not until tonight after my fever, after a bunch of pleads Taehyung had begged me to visit the hospital, which I ended up complied and the doctor told me to stay, which of course I refused. Then I came home by taxi because Taehyung was so pissed off that he rode the motorcycle leaving me alone.

I flopped on my bed immediately when I arrived, sleeping like a dead corpse.

Of course, I was totally kidding about the dead part.

Not until tonight he came into my bedroom- screw it!

I woke up seeing Yoongi standing right across my bed, wearing a black suit over his white shirt that tucked nicely inside his black cotton pants.

I'm not a main character of some yandere fanfic, am I?

He just stood there, looking down at me in the middle of the dark. I barely could see his expression.

Then all I could do was just screaming on top of my lungs, despite the raspy voice I gained after throwing up a lot.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" That's the first sentence that escaped my lips.

"What a-are y-you doing here?! H-h-How did you got in?!" I saw him walking closer to my bed and I instinctively pulled my bedsheet to cover all of my body as I shivered in fear.

I tried to reach my phone I charged on the nightstand but suddenly it flew across the room right toward his hand.

It freaking flew.

What now? Not only able to jump off a tall building and vanish, now he tried to play Stranger Things on me? Who does he think he is? Eleven?

The second I knew later, he had held my precious white Samsung in his right hand, which I saw just right at the corner of my eyes before it suddenly fucking flying toward him.

Sorry for the many profanities. But you know, this is not a situation I could handle calmly.

My eyes widened twice its size. Okay, I must be dreaming, either I was dreaming or this unknown sickness of mine had gotten me crazy.

Definitely either two of these options.

I gasped loudly when he finally stood right in front of my bed.

"I've tried to reach you, call you, message you, and you kept avoiding me!" He spat angrily.

"I have enough Y/N. We have to talk. Let's cut all the bullshit shall we?" He slowly walked next to me and all I could focus on was the mattress underneath me. I didn't dare to look up.

"P-please d-don't hurt me..." I closed my eyes tight, feeling his presence next to mine.

"I won't..." I heard him sigh. "Out of all the things I could do, the last thing I wanna do is hurt you, Y/N-Ah." I felt his cold hand touching my face. He cupped my cheeks, pulling me to look up at him.

"You will never listen to me if I don't tell you the truth, will you? But if I tell you the truth, will you believe in me?" I finally have the courage to look into his beautiful dark eyes, it was soft as he stared at me.

I knew it was a bad decision when I look into his eyes I lost myself, my heart skipped a beat, and I found myself nodded eagerly.

I should've pushed him away, he barged into my room by... gah! I don't know how he did but he did. He had my phone in his hand, which he didn't touch but that thing, that thing flew on itself- none of these are making sense.

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