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"Please, don't hurt me," you begged, as he twirled the blade in his hand.

He slowly approached you, purposely making his footsteps echo. He continued to twirl the knife as he leaned close to your face. He smirked as he examined your scared face. You looked to him with pleading eyes, and that only made his smirk grow. He placed his hand under your chin and lifted your face up, so he could get a better look at your expression. There were tears falling from your eyes, but you weren't sobbing. You were only scared.

He moved away and your head dropped. He began to walk around you, twirling the knife again, watching your figure. "I won't hurt you, baby." he started, making you jump slightly. "I'm protecting you from everyone else. Those people hurt you, and I'm making sure they never hurt you again."

He stood in front of you again, leaning his face closer to yours. But, you saw a different look in his eyes, one that showed both love-lust and blood-lust. You felt chills go down your spine and goosebumps rise on your arms. The atmosphere changed completely. At first, you felt panicked and scared, but you thought there was a chance you would get out. But now, you know that you won't be able to escape, and if you did, it'll be worse than it is now. And you knew that, from the look in his eyes, you shouldn't even try.

You looked away from him, terrified of the look he was giving you. He growled lowly and put the blade under your chin, lifting your head up with it. He turned the knife so that the blade of it cut under your chin. You let out a small squeal as pain rushed through your neck. "Don't think about anything or anyone, except me. I'm doing all this to help you. Be thankful." he said threateningly.

You held your breath, trying to prevent your chin from touching the blade more. More tears streamed down your face as he dug the blade deeper in your skin. Now, anger was shown in his eyes. The tip of the knife was almost piercing your throat. You gulped in fear, and looked up at him. "I said I wasn't going to hurt you." he snarled before removing the knife.

You let go of your breath and looked up at him again. "What are you going to do to me?"

He chuckled darkly. "I'm not going to do anything. Well, maybe a few things, but I'm going to have to take care of some things before then. Don't worry, I won't do anything you wouldn't like."

He, again, leaned close to your face, but more closer than the other times. It was like he was going to kiss you, but held himself back. He licked his lips before saying this last sentence. "Besides, no one is going to find you, and I'll have you all to myself."

~~~~4 Months Ago~~~~

Back to school.

Back to your living hell is more accurate.

It wasn't always like this. It wasn't even your fault. You were accused for something that didn't even happen. It's stupid, too. Everyone who you were friends with left you. You knew they weren't really your friends, anyways. They were using you for homework. They literally used you to cheat on an exam in the past. And, now they act like they never knew you.

At least you had your best friend still there for you. But, at the same time, he's part of the reason why you're getting bullied. He's the one who insisted you go to the party wearing that dress. It didn't help like he thought it would. But, at least he's still there for you.

And, the thing was that no one in your family knew you were getting bullied. You would hide it every time you went home. Putting on a mask at home, and throwing it away at school. You'd have to keep making a new mask everyday. But, sometimes, it would be the same as others.

You were in front of the school, seeing people in the school watching you with judging looks. People who walked past you would push you, call you names, and even slap you. You didn't deserve to be treated like this. You didn't do anything wrong.

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