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It's already been a few days since Yoongi kidnapped you. He always came by to feed you, but you barely ate. You didn't trust anything he gave you but you still had to eat something.

You were always quiet when he fed you. You never talked back or shared your opinion. You only nodded and shook your head when necessary. He never said anything about your lack of response, he only smiled sadly when he expected an answer but didn't get one.

When he would leave you alone, it left you to your never-ending thoughts. You felt like you were slowly going crazy, but you really weren't. You still had all your sanity left. You still felt scared, you were just trying to figure out a way to get out. All you knew was that there was a door at the far end of the room. There was no way you could get to it in less than a day, so you didn't even try.

Every day that went by, you thought that Yoongi would break and kill you. But he never did. He never hurt you after the first day. So, you thought that maybe he didn't care if you didn't talk or respond with something other than a nod and shaking your head. You were wrong.

Another day came by and Yoongi came inside the usual time he would feed you. As you saw him approach, you saw that he wasn't holding food. He was twirling a knife in his hands. You felt yourself become nervous. You knew that Yoongi was mad. So you said the first thing that came to mind.

"Please, don't hurt me," you begged.

He slowly approached you, purposely making his footsteps echo. He continued to twirl the knife as he leaned close to your face. He smirked as he examined your expression. You looked to him with pleading eyes, and that only made his smirk grow. He placed his hand under your chin and lifted your face up so he could get a better look at you. There were tears falling from your eyes, but you weren't sobbing. You were only scared.

He moved away and your head dropped. He began to walk around you, twirling the knife again, watching your figure. "I won't hurt you, baby," he started, making you jump slightly. His tone changed completely and you didn't know how to react.

"I'm protecting you from everyone else. Those people hurt you, and I'm making sure they never hurt you again."

He stood in front of you again, leaning his face closer to yours. But you saw a different look in his eyes, one that showed both love-lust and blood-lust. You felt chills go down your spine and goosebumps rise on your arms. The atmosphere changed completely.

Before, you felt panicked and scared, but you thought there was a chance you would get out. But you knew, at that moment, that you wouldn't be able to escape, and if you did, it would be worse than it already was. And you knew that, just from the look in his eyes, you shouldn't even try anything.

You looked away from him, terrified of the look he was giving you. He growled lowly and put the blade under your chin, lifting your head up with it. He turned the knife so that the blade of it cut under your chin. You let out a small squeal as pain rushed through your neck. "Don't think about anything or anyone, except me. I'm doing all this to help you. Be thankful," he said threateningly, even though you already knew this.

You held your breath, trying to prevent your chin from touching the blade more. More tears streamed down your face as he dug the blade deeper in your skin. Now, anger was shown in his eyes. The tip of the knife was almost piercing your throat. You gulped in fear and looked up at him. "I said I wasn't going to hurt you," he snarled before removing the knife.

You let go of your breath and looked up at him again, "What are you going to do to me now?"

He chuckled darkly, "I'm not going to do anything... Well, maybe a few things, but I'm going to have to take care of some things before then. Don't worry, I won't do anything you wouldn't like."

He, again, leaned close to your face, but closer than the other times. It was like he was going to kiss you, but held himself back. He licked his lips before saying this last sentence, "Besides, no one is going to find you, and I'll have you all to myself."

He walked away from you without treating the cut he gave you. Blood dripped from your chin onto your clothes. You winced at the warm feeling against your cold skin.

You knew it was hopeless, but you pulled on the restraints he had around you. You pulled with as much strength as you could muster, but nothing. They were too strong.

You looked around, hoping that something magically appeared that could help you. But, all you saw was darkness around you.

You continued to look around frantically, wishing some miracle would happen. There was nothing around you. You were trapped.

You heard footsteps again, but there was another sound. It sounded like something being dragged across the floor.

You looked up and saw Yoongi dragging a chair. But, there was something or someone on it. He placed the chair so that the back faced you. He smirked at you, "Since you're going to be here forever, I thought that you might want someone to talk to. And, I think you'll like this person a lot." He said, before turning back to the chair.

He grabbed the back of the chair and spun it so that whoever was sitting in it was facing you. You couldn't see the person's face. Their head was down and their body seemed lifeless. "This person is someone you love. They're someone who you love to be with and talk to. You've known them for a long time, and you even started dating after so many years. You've been missing him, wanting to find him. Wanting to know what happened. Wanting to know why," he bent down to your level, resting his hands on the armrests of the chair.

"But, what you didn't know was that he was so close to you. You couldn't find him. You tried and tried, but nothing. You even thought he died. You lost faith in finding him."

"I knew he was still alive. You succeeded to convince me that he was dead. But I always had it in my mind that he was still around, and that I would find him, sooner or later," you said, looking him straight in the eye.

He chuckled darkly, "It seems like my plan to make you forget completely about him didn't work."

"I'll never forget him. No matter what you do."

He chuckled again, "We'll see about that." He said before going behind the chair and leaning against it.

"Anyways, I almost forgot that I had some entertainment for you," he said, a small smirk on his face.

"I don't need any of your entertainment," you said, glaring at him.

His smirk grew wider, "Trust me. You'll love this. I planned it just for you. And, it involves him." He explained, placing his hand under the victim's chin.

He lifted his head to expose a face with a countless amount of bruises and cuts. Scars on his cheek, eyes, and lips. Dried up blood underneath his nose. You gasped at the painful sight. "Hoseok..." You said quietly, seeing the love of your life sitting lifelessly in front of you.

"What did you do to him?!"

Yoongi shrugged, "I only played with him, but he would never join in. So, I did what I thought was best."

"Hoseok! Wake up! Please!" You shouted at Hoseok, hoping he would become conscious again.

Yoongi laughed at your attempts, "You really think that's going to wake him up? He's been like this for two weeks now, and he hasn't moved an inch."

Tears began to stream down your eyes, "Hoseok, please! Wake up! Wake up, please!" You thrashed around in your chair, wanting to get closer to Hoseok, but it was of no use.

You kept crying and crying, wanting Hoseok to wake up. Needing Hoseok to wake up. You had to hear his voice again. Had to see his beautiful eyes again. You had to see everything you loved about Hoseok again. But, he wasn't waking up.

You were stuck there crying, Hoseok unconscious and Yoongi laughing. You lost all hope in getting out.

But a tiny part of you still believed that Hoseok was still alive. It still believed that you could escape. Still believed that there was hope.

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