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15 Years Later...

"Mom! I'm home!" Your 14-year-old son, Minseok, called for you. He didn't hear an answer, "Mom? Are you sleeping?"

He just came back from getting groceries for dinner that night. You didn't like that he had to go out by himself, but Yoongi would've killed you if you went with him. You had to stay inside at all times and you had to teach Minseok everything. He couldn't go to school and he couldn't tell anyone who his parents were. You had to act like you loved Yoongi with all your heart, just so Minseok doesn't feel uncomfortable and sad. You wanted the best for him, so you really tried your best. But on this day, you realized you couldn't take it anymore.

Minseok put the groceries in the kitchen and walked down the hall to your bedroom, "Mom?" He called for you again, but no answer.

He opened the door to your bedroom but didn't see you inside. He walked in and looked around until he was in front of the bathroom door. He felt something wet under his feet and he looked down. It looked like just water, but he noticed a slight red tint to it. His hand shook as he put his hand on the doorknob, "Mom? A-Are you okay?" His voice shook as he called out for you.

Minseok hesitantly opened the door and saw you, lying in the bathtub. He started to cry as he saw that blood filled the tub and a bloody pocket knife was at the edge of the counter, along with an open bottle of pills. He fell to his knees as he sobbed, noticing the small envelope in your hand. He shakily took it from your hand and opened it.

It read, 'Dear my Minseok, I'm sorry for this. But, I couldn't live like this any longer. Pretending to love your father ever since you were born. I couldn't handle it anymore, I'm sorry. Your father isn't who you think he is. He's psychotic. He's been lying to you. He kidnapped me when we were still in high school and lied to me before then. He killed the person I truly loved and cherished in my life. He killed two people who were close to me, just so he could have me to himself. He's a murderer. And, you being in our lives was because he sexually assaulted me in my sleep. He's not the caring father you see. He's something completely different. He made so many people suffer, including me. But now that you're here, I know that you'll do as I say. There's an address to a police station at the end of the letter with a name. I want you to go there and ask for that man. If he asks who you are, tell him you're the son of (Y/N). He'll remember me right away. Then, lead him here before your father gets home. You have to be quick for me, okay? I don't know what he's going to do if he catches you doing this. Please Minseok, do this for, not only me, but for yourself. I'm sure that my old friend will take care of you. I love you, Minseok.'

Minseok cried even harder when he finished the letter. He never knew this about his father. But, now he was going to do the right thing.

Wiping his eyes, he ran out the door and to the address. He knew there was something wrong, but he always brushed it off like nothing. But in that moment, he thought about everything and realized that it was all an act. He knew that you were trying to protect him. He knew that you were trying to make his life as enjoyable and as happy as possible. But, he also knew that you couldn't keep living a lie.

Before he knew it, Minseok was in front of the police station. Without hesitation, he went inside and shouted, "Park Jimin!"

Everyone went silent and turned to Minseok. He took a deep breath, "Where is Park Jimin?"

Minseok heard a chair screech against the floor before seeing a man with bright red hair approaching him, "You're looking for me?"

Minseok nodded and handed Jimin the letter. Jimin raised an eyebrow before opening it, reading it. His eyes widened as he saw your name. Namjoon, Minhyuk, Jungkook, and Seokjin were all there, staring at Jimin, "Jimin, what does it say?" Namjoon asked.

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