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You curled up in your blankets, trying to hide from everything. Yoongi left your room an hour ago and you've been like that since he left. Your blankets were your safe zone. You felt protected from everything in the world.

You wished you could do something. Knowing that there were cameras and voice recorders around the room put you more on edge. There was really nothing you could do. You only knew where one of them was, but that didn't really help. Unless...

You rolled off your bed, hitting the floor with a soft thud. You unwrapped yourself from your blankets and went into the washroom. You knew there weren't any cameras in there, at least you hoped so. You tried to think of a way you could go through with this. You knew where one camera was, but how would you reach it without making it obvious?

You thought for a minute before snapping your fingers, an idea sitting in your mind. You quickly grabbed a pin, walked out of the washroom and looked up at the camera you knew was there. "Yoongi~" You whined. "Can I have some food? I'm hungry~" You cringed internally at your tone.

From his side, he couldn't help but to smile and laugh at your cuteness. He went into the kitchen and made a small snack for you. He walked down to your room with the tray and opened the door. You were sitting in your bed, cross-legged and waiting.

He smiled and put the tray in front of you, "Here you go, Princess."

You smiled widely, "Thank you. And, can you do me a favour and buy some new clothes for me? I don't really like some of them."

He slowly backed away and left the room. You shot up out of your bed and grabbed a bedside table. You dragged it under the camera and quickly unscrewed it with the pin you found in the washroom. You pulled it out of the ceiling and pulled on the wire that was attached.

You had to pull on it a few times before it actually broke through the ceiling. You continued to pull all around, finding every hidden camera there was. It ended up circling back to the first camera. You continued to pull on it, but it didn't move. You couldn't get it out.

You internally panicked and a few seconds later, Yoongi burst through the door and grabbed you from behind, throwing you on your bed. He crawled on top of you and you could see all the anger in his eyes, "(Y/N). I actually thought that you were actually realizing how I could take care of you. But then I come back to see that the cameras don't work. You betrayed me. I didn't want to do this, but I have to." He said before dragging you out the room and up the stairs.

He led you to a dark room. He threw you in a chair and tied you up. You tried to squirm around to break free, but you knew that there was no way. The lights came on and you were blinded. When they adjusted, you saw a lifeless body in front of you. It was all too familiar.

Yoongi walked in front of you and smirked, "You caused this. This is your fault. All you had to do was listen and behave. But, you did neither of those things. And now, someone else is going to have to die."

"D-Don't hurt him. Please," you begged.

"It's too late for that, Princess. He's going to have to go," Yoongi walked behind him, holding a small, but sharp knife to his neck.

You cried, screamed, even wiggled around in your chair, trying to do anything to save him. He didn't do anything wrong. He didn't deserve this. He was forced to. "No! Please!"

Yoongi pulled his head up and made him look at you. He smiled as he realized that you were there. He was happy to see you again. Even if it was his last time, "(Y/N), I'm sorry for everything. But, I'm happy to see you again. Even if this is my last time, I'm gonna miss you and everyone else. If you ever get out, tell everyone that I love them."

"Tae, no!"

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