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Two months. That's all he needed.

Two months and he would make sure you forget about Hoseok.

That's all the time he needed. Everything was falling into place perfectly. Nothing could get in the way. All he needed was two more months and everything would be done. He would finally have you to himself. Forever.


A few days later, you woke up to your phone ringing. You clawed around for your phone and found it under your pillow. Rubbing your eyes, you read the name of the caller, 'Mom'

You picked up and put the phone to your ear, "Hello?" You said tiredly.

"(Y/N), sweetie. Your father and I are going to be gone again for another two months."

You sat up, "Again? You were only back for a week and now you're going again?"

"I'm sorry. The company is really giving us a hard time about this. If we didn't go, we would've lost our jobs. I'm really sorry. You can stay with Mrs. Jung if you'd like."

You sighed, "Alright. I'll see you later."

"Honey, wait. Are you okay? I heard about what happened to Hoseok. If you want we can talk."

You bit your lip and closed your eyes, "I'll see you later, mom. Bye." You said, hanging up.

You dropped back down onto your bed and closed your eyes. You threw your arm over your eyes and took a deep breath. Another day alone. Another day without Hoseok.

You got ready for school and left. Walking to school alone left you to your thoughts. For the past few days, Yoongi has been talking to you again. He's been trying to help you get over the fact that Hoseok was gone. He was trying to help you. But his way of helping wasn't what you expected.

He would avoid the places you used to go out to with Hoseok. He approached Ms. Kim about removing the desk Hoseok used to sit at and moved his own there. It never made sense as to why he did that but you just shrugged it off as him being protective, not wanting you to feel upset.

You entered the school and saw Yoongi waiting at your locker. He saw you right away and hugged you, "Hey, you okay?" He asked you.

You nodded and patted his back. He pulled away and bent down slightly to look you in the eyes. You smiled softly and he smiled in return. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently as he started to walk to class. This was new. He's held your hand before, but it felt different.

He took you to class and sat next to you, waiting for class to start. When the bell rang, Yoongi didn't let go of your hand. You tried to pry your hand away but his grip only tightened. You looked at him, your eyes pleading to be let go, but he didn't even spare a glance.

You gave up and continued to pay attention to the lesson. Lunch came by and Yoongi dragged you up to the roof. He pulled you to one of the corners on it and faced you, holding both of your hands in his own, "(Y/N), there's something I need to ask you."

You looked at him, puzzled. You had so many questions to ask him but this one increased your curiosity, "What is it?"

He took a deep breath and made eye contact with you, "Willyougooutwithme?" He asked quickly, but you managed to understand.

"You want me to be your girlfriend?" You asked, wanting to make sure you didn't hear wrong.

He nodded and looked down, his cheeks dusted pink, "It's okay if you say no. I just wanted to know how you feel."

You sighed and pulled your hands away, "I'm sorry, Yoongi. I don't feel the same. I'm in love with Hoseok. He's the love of my life. I can't do this to him without knowing if he's still alive or not. If he is, I would hate myself for cheating on him. I'm sorry." You said before walking away, leaving Yoongi alone.

You knew what you felt for Yoongi. It was love but in a friendly way, or even a brotherly way. You could never see yourself being with him like that. You didn't want to break the bond the two of you had already. And you didn't want to think that Hoseok was dead. You had this feeling that he was still alive, calling for help, wanting to know if you were okay, wanting to be there with you.

But he couldn't. He was beaten, tied up, and locked in a basement. He wasn't going to be released. Not until Yoongi had you for himself. Not until Yoongi had you locked in his basement. Not until you were convinced Hoseok was dead. Not until you fell for Yoongi.

Mine Forever || Yandere!M.YG x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now