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A few more days have past by and you still couldn't leave your room. You've told Yoongi that you should be walking around a more wider space, especially in your condition. He did tell you that he would think about it and see what he can do, but you doubted that it was going to be any better.

You woke up and stretched, trying to wake up more. You brought your hands to your eyes and rubbed them. You looked around the room and saw Yoongi sitting on the edge of your bed. You jumped and brought your blanket closer to you, "Yoongi.... what are you doing here?" You asked, your voice quiet and raspy.

He smiled, "I was just going to leave, but you woke up."

"H-How long have you been here?"

"Maybe about an hour. You woke up earlier than usual. Was there any pain?" He asked, gesturing towards your stomach.

You instinctively put an arm around your torso, hoping to protect it. You shook your head, "I haven't felt any pain yet. It's only been a few days."

He nodded and stood up, "Go take a shower, I'm going to show you around the house." He said before leaving.

You were confused but got up. You took a quick shower and got dressed. As you brushed your hair, you wondered if the door was unlocked. Putting down your hairbrush, you walked up to the door and turned the doorknob. You gasped silently as the door opened and darkness was all you could see. You hesitantly walked through, hoping that Yoongi wasn't nearby. You couldn't see anything.

You walked slowly for a minute before you almost tripped on something. You caught yourself before you could fall and bent down to feel around. The floor was cold and goosebumps rose on your arms. As you felt around, you realized that you almost tripped on the stairs. You carefully put your foot on the first step, then felt around for the next. You did this for each step you took and, slowly, you made your way up.

Soon enough, you could see a small crack of light shining from underneath a door. You reached for the handle and felt as the cold metal touched your hand. You pushed the door and was blinded by the light in the room. You shielded your eyes as they slowly adjusted.

When you were about to move your arms, you were pulled somewhere. You were slammed against a wall and shut your eyes as the pain hit your back, "What are you doing up here?" You heard the voice growl.

You couldn't say anything. You didn't know what to do. You were caught, but weren't you supposed to be able to walk around? Yoongi did tell you that you would be able to see the house and, presumably, be able to walk freely. But, it seemed like you weren't.

You opened your eyes and looked up at the man in front of you. Your eyes widened and you were about to scream until you heard the floor creak from nearby. Your mouth was covered quickly and you heard a door open before slamming shut. The hand slowly moved from your mouth and you looked back to him, "How did-"

"A lot of pulling during the night. But I'm fine, don't worry."

You couldn't help but to reach forward and put his face between your hands. It was unreal to see him again. And, he was out of his restraints, too. You both could easily escape now.

You grabbed his hand and started to walk around the house, looking for an escape... And, you found one. A ladder, leading to a trap door. You let go of his hand and climbed up, making sure he was following closely behind. You pushed open the door, finally seeing sunlight shining through. After so long, you were outside. You could feel the fresh air surround your body. You felt so free. A bit too free.

You didn't think too much of it. You just wanted, no, needed to escape. It was too easy. But, you didn't care anymore. You just wanted to see your friends, family, even the people that bullied you. You just needed that freedom to meet new people and have fun with your love.

You stepped out fully and helped him out. You grabbed his hand and you both ran. You were in the middle of a forest with no sense of direction. But, you knew you were going to find a way out. You were going to see civilization again. You and Hoseok were finally free...

Or so you thought.

Mine Forever || Yandere!M.YG x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now