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Lunch came by quickly. You watched as the clock ticked by, eagerly waiting for the bell to ring. And, once it did, you hurriedly packed up your bag and stood up. Yoongi was already making his way out of the classroom. He was really strange to you.

Every time he was called on, he would answer. But, not the answer to the question. He was just straight up rude. He didn't even care that he was talking to a teacher. He would swear at him and then fall asleep. He didn't care about anything or anyone. 

But, you wanted to be his first friend. He doesn't know you at all, so he doesn't know what happened. You needed to get to him before anyone else put lies into his head.

You found Hoseok waiting in the hallway for you, "Where'd he go?" You asked him.

Hoseok sighed, "He went into the cafeteria." He told you and you started to walk towards it. Hoseok stopped you before you could get past him. 

You looked to him, "What's wrong?"

He looked away from you, "I don't like that guy. I know that you want to have someone else know the truth, but that guy gives off a bad vibe."

You looked to him slightly surprised, "Where is this coming from all of a sudden?"

He shook his head and looked to you with slight sadness in his eyes, "Am I not enough?"

You turned to him so that your body was facing him. You knew how much he cared about you and how he didn't want you to get hurt again. 

He definitely didn't want a repeat of over a year ago.

You held both of his hands and looked him in his eyes, "Hobi. You are more than enough. But, what if something were to happen to you? I'm going to need someone else who knows the truth. Someone who can defend me like you do. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you. You don't deserve that, but this is just something that should happen. There might be a time where you'll get tired of protecting me, so I'm going to need someone else who can." You finished your little speech and let go of his hands. You walked to the cafeteria without looking back to Hoseok.

As soon as you entered, everyone's eyes were on you. Well, not everyone. A certain someone was focused on his phone, not caring about what was happening around him. And, he was the exact person you were looking for.

You started to walk towards him, ignoring the eyes that were following your every move. As soon as you walked past a group, they started to whisper to each other, 'The one time I would need Hobi to be with me.' You mentally yelled at yourself.

As soon as you got to him, everyone went silent. He didn't even look at you, his eyes glued to his phone. You hesitantly tapped his shoulder. He stopped what he was doing and looked to you with a cold glare. You gulped in nervousness. You wouldn't admit it, but you were kinda terrified of him. The way he looked like he wanted to kill everyone in the school didn't help.

"H-Hi. Your name is Yoongi, right?" You asked nervously.

He furrowed his eyebrows at you and watched at your figure. He crossed his arms, "Yeah, and you are?"

You put on a small smile, "M-My name is (Y-Y/N). You sit behind me in class."

"And, why are you talking to me?"

Everyone around you started to whisper to each other. You ignored the rude remarks they were making and answered Yoongi's question, "Well since you're new, I thought that maybe you would want someone to talk to during lunch. And you would want to know about the school. I just thought that-"

"It's okay. Here," he cut you off and gestured to the spot next to him.

You sat down next to him hesitantly. The people around you gave you disgusted looks, "What's wrong with her? Wasn't she making out with Hoseok earlier?"

"(Y/N) is something else. First, the party. Then, Hoseok. And now, the new guy. She's the definition of a whore."

"Who does she think she is? Moving from one guy to another like this. I'm surprised she doesn't have some disease."

Everyone was saying something similar about you. You shrunk down in your spot slightly, feeling upset at the words being said about you. Yoongi noticed and looked around at everyone. As soon as he made eye contact with someone, they looked away.

He looked back to you with a softer look. He put a hand on your back and rubbed it, "Are you okay?" He asked with a kind tone.

You nodded and smiled softly, 'Why is he so nice all of a sudden? Maybe he feels some sympathy for me? Whatever caused this change, is probably one of the best things that's happened!' You thought, happy about his small change of tone.

Yoongi moved his head so he could see your face better. You didn't look at him, but you saw him pout, "I can tell you're lying. Is this my fault?"

You quickly looked at him and waved your hands while shaking your head, "No, don't think this is your fault. It's about something that happened in the past. You weren't there so you wouldn't know." You stopped and looked down.

"Besides, you're going to be told something else by everyone else. It's your choice to believe them or not," you said sadly.

He looked to everyone in the cafeteria. Everyone still continued to give you disgusted looks. He looked back to you, "(Y/N), listen-"

He was cut off by the door opening. It was Hoseok. He marched up to where you and Yoongi were sitting. You didn't notice him until he grabbed your arm and lifted you up, "Hoseok, what are you-"

"You. Stay away from her. I don't know what you're trying to do, but I know you're up to something," he cut you off to yell at Yoongi.

Before either of you could say anything, Hoseok pulled you out the door. He dragged you all the way outside and stood in front of you, "Hoseok, what the hell? We were talking."

Hoseok stared straight into your eyes, making you feel as if he could see through you. He ran his hand through his hair, "(Y/N), you shouldn't trust that guy. I'm telling you that there's something wrong with him. You didn't notice, but I did."

"I don't know what you're talking about. He's actually really nice. He comforted me. He asked me if I was okay. Even when I said I was, he knew I wasn't. You weren't there, so you wouldn't know."

"Did you not see how he glared at everyone? He had an obsessive look in his eyes. It was like something possessed him in that moment. I was watching everything from outside. If you actually looked at him, you would know what I mean."

You continued to argue back and forth, "If you were actually there, you would understand why I want to keep talking to him. And, why are you saying this all of a sudden? It was your idea to talk to him in the first place. You said that the three of us could hang out. Now, you're trying to keep me away from him completely. Why are you doing this to me? Don't you want me to be happy? Don't you want me to have more friends? Friends that listen to me? Friends that know the truth? But, you're holding me back from that right now. I need to know-"

"It's because I love you!" He shouted, cutting you off.

"It's because I love you," he said again, whispering this time. You were taken aback by this sudden confession,'Is this what he wanted to tell me?' You thought.

You stared at him wide-eyed. Sure, he cared and loved for you like you were actually together, but knowing that he actually felt this way was something else. You felt the same as him, but you never thought that he would accept you, and stay by your side this entire time. 

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