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You went back to class and sat down. Everyone looked up at you and Ms. Kim continued doing her work at her desk, "(Y/N), is everything okay?" Yoongi asked you from behind.

You nodded, "Yeah, everything's fine."

He pouted slightly, "There's something wrong and you're not telling me. What happened this time?"

"It's nothing, Yoongi. Just leave me alone," you said through gritted teeth.

Soon enough the bell rang, telling everyone that lunch started. You grabbed your things and went up to the roof, Yoongi following behind.

You sat down and took out your lunch. You opened it and stared at it, thinking about the events from earlier. You lost your appetite right away and ran to the washroom, dropping everything. As soon as you opened the door, you ran to the closest stall and threw up. You couldn't take it anymore.

First, everyone started to bully you again. Then, you get sexually harassed. Lastly, you found out the truth about Mark. And that message...

'Why would anyone do that? Just because of me... It's my fault...' You blamed yourself.

You flushed the toilet and went to the sink. You washed your face as tears started to fall. You heard the door open and jumped. You saw Yoongi walking in, his hands behind his back, "Y-Yoongi! Why are you in the girl's washroom?"

"Because I saw you run in here and I was worried," he told you, looking down.

"You could've just waited for me to come out," you said and noticed his hands behind his back. "What is that?"

He moved back, "It's nothing. Just spilled something and I didn't realize that it was sticky enough to get my hands stuck to my shirt."

You raised an eyebrow and smirked, "That's one of the stupidest lies I've ever heard. What actually happened?" You crossed your arms.

"Fine. I spilled paint on my hands and they're completely covered," he showed his hands and all you saw was red.

Your eyes widened and you started to laugh, "You should clean that up quickly before it dries up. And don't do it here, go into the boy's washroom instead." You walked out, the door shutting quietly behind you. 

Yoongi sighed and looked at his hands. His eyes darkened as he smiled. He went to the door and locked it. Going to the sink, he pulled up his sleeves. He started to sing quietly to himself, "My (Y/N)~ How I love you so~ I'd do anything to make you mine~ Even if it means hurting or killing the ones you love~" he whispered the last sentence. "Remember, you're only mine~"


When you came out of the washroom, something was tossed to you. It landed at your feet and you looked down to see your bag. You picked it up and looked around to see a crowd. You felt yourself become vulnerable and shrink. You try backing away from everyone, but your back hit a wall. One of the girls in the front of the group flicked your head, "Look who it is, it's the slut."

You rubbed your head, "I didn't do anything."

She scoffed, "Stop acting like you're innocent. Everyone knows that you moved on from Hoseok and now you're with Yoongi."

"W-We're just friends. He asked me out but I declined. You should've asked him yourself before assuming things," you managed to say.

The girl raised her hand, threatening to slap you, "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?! I'm better than you. I don't do anything as bad as you. I've only been with two guys my whole life. But you, you just keep moving from one to another."

"Those relationships I had weren't real ones. The only real one I've had, and still have, is with Hoseok. So can you back off and leave me alone?"

She began to get irritated, "Why you-!" She said, bringing her hand down to your face.

You waited for the impact but felt nothing. You opened your eyes to see Yoongi holding the girl's wrist. Before you could say anything, he twisted her arm and she screamed in pain, "Leave. Her. Alone." Yoongi told her and she nodded, wanting him to let go.

He snarled and let go. He grabbed your hand and took you back up to the roof. As soon as he got to an empty spot, he hugged you tightly, "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, right?" He asked, worried.

"I'm fine. I'm getting used to it again, so it doesn't matter," you told him, trying to stay strong.

He hugged you tighter and asked a question he wanted to for a long time, "If you don't mind me asking, why are you getting bullied?"

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, "You really want to know?"

He nodded and pulled away, "Yeah, I do."

You walked to a bench nearby and sat down, "It was the summer before my second year started. There was a party that was being thrown not too far from my house." As you started, Yoongi sat next to you.

"At the party, Mr. Tuan was going to be there. He was still in college and he would always come around to the school to say hi. Soon enough, every girl fell for him. He was the hottest guy in the school and he was really nice. He even knew almost every student in our grade, including me. But at the party, everything went wrong."

"What happened?" Yoongi asked, wanting you to continue.

"Hoseok and I were getting ready to go. We went shopping the day before and he bought me a dress*. At the time, I really liked it, but it didn't work out in my favour. When we went to the party, it was fine at first until Mar- Mr. Tuan asked me to talk to him. I was so happy that he chose to talk to me, but it didn't go as I imagined. As soon as we were alone, he pushed me against the wall and started to kiss my neck. I told him to stop and that I wanted to just talk to him, but he didn't. He tried taking off my dress but I managed to push him away. He realized what he did and started to apologize. I accepted it and left the room," you stopped and pursed your lips, trying not to think about the scene.

"I walked out and everyone had cameras pointed at me. I didn't fix my dress properly so it looked like something happened. Pictures were being taken and people were recording. It didn't help when Mr. Tuan came out of the room after. Since everyone thought so highly of him, he didn't want his reputation to be ruined, so he lied. He told everyone that I threw myself on him. He made everyone think that he was the victim. Now everyone thinks that I'm the type to do stuff like that with anyone. That's why they treat me like this. It was so stupid," you looked down and took a deep breath.

"Did he apologize?" Yoongi asked, wanting to know if he killed Mark for a proper reason.

You nodded, "Yeah, he did. He didn't have to though. I knew why he said what he said, but he still continued to apologize to me anyways. He was my friend, Yoongi. And now he's gone. Even though he hurt me, I still cared for him."

Yoongi started to rub your back in comfort, "Don't worry. You're not alone. You have me."

You nodded, "I know. I just don't want to lose you, too."

He pulled you in for a hug, "Don't worry. You'll never lose me. I'll always be here for you. Forever."

*this is the dress (Y/N) wore at the party

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*this is the dress (Y/N) wore at the party

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