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The next day, you woke up and yawned. It was Sunday. Last day of the weekend before you go back to school. You grabbed your phone and decided to text Hoseok, wanting to know if he wanted to go out. When it sent, you put your phone down and sat up. You stood up and walked around your room, waiting for Hoseok to respond.

After a few minutes, you checked your phone to see that he didn't even open it. You decided it was probably nothing and texted Yoongi, too.

You grabbed your towel and went into the washroom to shower. When you finished, you brushed your teeth and went back into your room, checking your phone. Neither of them opened your message.

You sighed and went back into the washroom to finish up. You went back into your room and grabbed clothes before going back into the washroom to get dressed. After that night, you didn't trust getting dressed in your room now.

As soon as you finished, you checked your phone one more time. Nothing. You thought about calling them but you weren't sure if they were still asleep. You took a deep breath and called them. Something didn't feel right to you. You had to call.

You called Hoseok first. You waited as the number dialled. As soon as it finished- Beep!

You stared at your phone in shock. It didn't even ring, it hung up right away. You called him again. Same thing as before.

You called Yoongi twice. Same thing as Hoseok.

You were going to text them again. But your mom called you from the front, "(Y/N)! Can you do me a favour and buy groceries. Your father and I are going to be home late again."

"Alright, mom!" You shouted then heard the door close.

You grabbed your phone and bag. You walked into the kitchen to see a list and some money on the table. You got your house key and left, locking the door behind you.

When you walked down the street, you saw people staring at you. You didn't recognize any of them, they were all strangers. When you looked at them, they would either walk away with a disgusted expression or whisper to each other.

You shrunk and continued walking, going into one of the cafés nearby. As soon as you walked in, everyone stared at you, whispering to each other.

You went up to the cashier to order but you noticed that he was eyeing your entire body, looking you up and down more than once. You had to snap him out of his trance so you could order. You ordered your favourite drink and paid.

You waited uncomfortably, wanting to get out as soon as possible. As soon as you got your drink, you gave a small tip before running off.

You continued to walk down the street, hoping to get away. But, it seemed like you couldn't.

You ended up hiding in an alley. You wanted to take a break from everyone's stares and you wanted to know why they were staring at you.

As you calmed down, you felt your phone vibrate. You saw Hoseok calling and you quickly answered, "Hob-"

"(Y/N), what's going on?" He interrupted you.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"Online. There are pictures of you. Yesterday you told me that there was someone outside your window and that unknown number. What happened after I left?" He explained.

Your eyes widened in shock, "Do you know where the pictures were found first online?"

"Yeah, I'll send you the link. Just wait for a second, then tell me what happened." With that, he pulled away from his phone sent you the link.

You felt your phone buzz, "Hold on a second. Let me see this."

You went on the link and saw a blog with the title, 'Teenage Girl Strips In Front of Her Window Only to Get Her Pictures Taken. Look Out Boys, Someone's Looking for Love and She May Send You Some Pictures!"

You scrolled through the page, seeing more and more pictures of you. You scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page to see the comments, "I would totally go for her! What's her name?"

"Anyone else surprised that she isn't taken yet??"

"Who wouldn't bang her?!?!? She's so sexy!"

The comments keep on going and going. You put your phone back to your ear, "Hobi?"

"I'm here," he said gently. "What did that person say?"

You told him everything that happened with the messages. You felt tears build in the corners of your eyes as you talked. You knew you shouldn't have trusted that random person.

When you finished, you took a deep breath. "(Y/N)," Hoseok started and you could hear the anger in his voice, "If I find out who this person is, I'll kill them."

"I have the messages still. I'll text them to see why they did this," you said, your voice shaking slightly. 

You couldn't go to school now. Even if everyone starts bullying you again, the teachers will see you as a whole other student. They'll be disappointed in you. They'll think that you're that kind of girl. You didn't want that. No one does.

"Okay, but call me back right after. Where are you?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm near the library. There's an alley here, I'm hiding from everyone."

"I'm coming. Stay safe. Love you," then he hung up.

You went onto your messages and texted the number.



Why did you lie to me?!?!?!?!? What happened to leaving me alone!?!?!


You stared at your phone, waiting for a reply. You saw that they were typing but before you could see it, you were pulled deeper into the alley. You gasped and fell to the ground. Four men surrounded you, "Is this the girl?" One of them said.

"Yeah, this is definitely her. Look at her body. It perfect, just like the pictures," another said.

You screamed for help,\ but one of the others quickly covered your mouth, "Shhh. It's okay, baby. We're not going to hurt you. We're just going to have a little fun." The one who covered your mouth whispered.

You bit his hand and he moved away, shaking his hand in pain, "Let me go. I didn't intend for those pictures to go online. I didn't even want them taken." You snarled.

"Really? You seemed to have posed for them well," the last guy said.

"You're just a horny girl, looking for someone to make you feel good," the guy you bit said.

"Let me go. I swear that I didn't want this. I'm just an innocent girl," you said quietly.

The last guy came closer to you, "No one thinks you're innocent now." He said before all of them started to close in on you.

"Help! Help me!!!" You screamed.

"Hey! Let her go!" Someone yelled from behind the men.

They moved away from you and turned around. You couldn't see who was there but the voice was familiar.

"Help me!" You yelled.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of there," your saviour said.

Your eyes widened once you recognized the voice, "Namjoon?"

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