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"Momo, now's not the time-" You started but she cut you off, "Where's Hoseok?"

"He's not here. You can come back later," you said calmly, hoping that she'll leave.

But, to no avail, "I know he's here. Why else would I come here first?"

You leaned against the doorway and crossed your arms, "How would you know if he was here or not?"

"I-I just know. Just let me in," She said, trying to enter your house, but you blocked her way.

You raised an eyebrow in question, "It's not like you to stutter." You said and she looked down.

You leaned closer to her, "Did you follow us?"

She scoffed and shook her head, "Am I some stalker all of a sudden? I just know that he's here since he left me for you. But, I know that he wants me back." She said the last sentence with as much confidence she could muster.

"You do remember the reason as to why he left you, right?" You asked her, provoking her slightly.

"Well, I sti-"

"(Y/N)! What's taking you so long?" She was interrupted by Hoseok calling you.

Momo glared at you, "I thought you said he wasn't here."

"He's not. That's my long lost brother. He was here since morning," You said as clearly as possible, hoping not to stutter.

She crossed her arms, "Can I meet him? Maybe I could go out with him." She said, again trying to enter your house.

"Momo, listen. I'm a bit too occupied with him right now. I have to take care of him since he's new here. And, that means he can't meet other people for a while. You understand, right?" You said, explaining the 'real' reason why she can't go inside.

She looked at you suspiciously. Then, she began nodding her head slowly, "Alright, I understand." She said, and you mentally laughed at the fact that she believed you. "But, I'm coming back tomorrow." She told you, walking away.

You sighed and closed the door. You walked back to the kitchen and saw as Hoseok put his plate in the sink. He turned around to see you with an irritated look, "Who was it?" He asked innocently.

"Your ex," You said blatantly.

He tensed up when you said this, "What was she doing here?"

You shrugged, acting unbothered, "She wanted to take you back. Make you 'hers' again. I told her that you weren't here and that my long lost brother was the one who shouted. So, be happy that I lied for you."

He came up to you and kissed your forehead, "First of all, you copied what I said in the letter. Secondly, I'm always happy with everything you do."

You blushed and looked away, but he moved your face so that you were facing him again. You didn't make eye contact with him and kept looking everywhere but him. He chuckled, before quickly pecking your lips and moving away.

You spaced out for a bit before Hoseok snapped you out of it, "(Y/N), we have homework to do. I'm going to help you, and now, you'll get kisses for rewards." He said flirtatiously.

You rolled your eyes, the blush still present on your cheeks, "That's an even worse reward than food." You said, loud enough for him to hear.

You walked into the living room, seeing him sitting on the couch, clutching his chest in a joking way, "Why do you hurt me so?" He said dramatically.

You went up to him and flicked his forehead lightly, "Stop being so dramatic." You said, going back into the kitchen and getting your bag.

You grabbed it and quickly went to your living room again. Hoseok had his homework already laid on the coffee table. You took out your work and placed it next to his, "Let's start." He said, rubbing his hands together.

The work wasn't too much, but you and Hoseok took a bit too long to finish. That's because you both kept teasing each other, making jokes, just fooling around as a whole.

But, it was worth it. All the time you two spent together was worth everything to the both of you.

Later that night, once you finished, you packed up everything and Hoseok grabbed the garbage of the various snacks you both ate, throwing them away. Your parents didn't come home yet, so you and stayed in your living room and watched a movie. You both ended up falling asleep in the middle of it, but your parents came home and took it off.

You woke up feeling arms around you. You rubbed your eyes and looked to who was seated beside you, "Hobi?" You called out, still not able to see clearly.

Your eyes began to focus and you saw someone else. It wasn't your boyfriend. But, his touch was like his. It felt like he was there, but he wasn't. It was surreal.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" He asked softly and your eyes widened. 

This wasn't Hoseok's voice. This wasn't his cute, raspy voice that you hear every weekend when it's late. This was someone completely different. Someone you didn't expect to see first thing in the morning, "Yoongi?"

Mine Forever || Yandere!M.YG x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now