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You waited a few minutes before turning around and seeing who you agreed to go to school with.

"Hey," You said quietly.

"Hey. Ready to go?" He asked.

You nodded and started walking to school. It was quiet between you two, only the sounds of cars and nature around you, "So, you took longer than I expected." You said.

He shrugged, "It's not my fault. You know that I always take a long time." He smiled and put his arm around your shoulder.

You moved closer to him as you walked to school.

A few minutes later, you finally got there. You yawned, seeing the building where you would be bored out of your mind. He elbowed you lightly, noticing how tired you were, "Hey, wake up. What time did you go to sleep?"

You rubbed your eyes, "Like, 2 a.m."

He stared at you shocked, "Were you at the library for that long? I don't think they would even let you stay for that long. Did you study when you got home?"

"Yeah. I wanted to make sure I knew everything," you said tiredly.

He stopped walking and stood in front of you, "You have to sleep. It's not healthy if you don't. Next time, call me to help you."

You stared at him and smiled, lightly flicking him on the forehead. You started to walk away, saying, "I know. You don't need to worry about me too much."

He rubbed his forehead and ran after you, "But I'm your boyfriend and best friend. I need to make sure your okay."

You laughed, "I know, Hobi. I'm just teasing you."

He pouted but didn't say anything else. You both continued walking to class, and, again, no one was calling you names or bullying you. "Hoseok, this is weird. Are you sure you didn't do anything?" You asked.

"I've been trying to stop this ever since it started, and it didn't work. What else could I have done?" He said.

You shook your head, "Well, Mark didn't tell them anything, either. He only noticed and he would've told me if he said something."

He shrugged, "But do you really want to find out why this is happening? I mean, it's better than being made fun of every day."

You bit your lip, hesitant, "Maybe, but they seem like they're scared of me."

Hoseok rubbed your back in reassurance, "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they were. When you're mad, especially. I wish I didn't see that side of you." He said jokingly.

You glared at him and continued walking to class.

Entering the class, you imagined to see Mr. Tuan sitting at his desk, but there was no one. You looked around the room and raised your eyebrow in questioning, "That's weird. He's always in the room doing work."

"Maybe he's not here today," Hoseok said.

You shook your head, "There's no reason he shouldn't be here. He seemed healthy yesterday. He rarely gets sick, and if he does it's usually in winter."

Hoseok gave you a suspicious look. You looked at him and shrugged, "Listen, at least I didn't stalk him like the other girls."

"True," Hoseok said before sitting down.

You sat down next to him, "Something is wrong. This isn't right. Mark is usually here, and now he's not all of a sudden. Something happened to him."

Hoseok held your hand, "Why... Why do you even care?" He asked hesitantly.

You pursed your lips, "Even though he hurt me, I still care for him. Like, when we argue or you accidentally say something wrong, I still care and love you. Same goes for everyone who was once my friend." You smiled softly, rubbing your thumb against his hand.

You leaned your head on his shoulder. It was quiet for a few minutes before the bell rang.

The students walked in and sat down, some asking each other where Mr. Tuan was. One of the other teachers from the school came in to substitute. He looked... sad. It was like he lost a loved one. You could see the hurt in his eyes.

From behind you, Yoongi tapped your shoulder. You leaned back, moving your face closer to him, "Who is that?" He whispered.

"That's Mr. Lee. It looks like something happened to Mr. Tuan, that's why he's not here," you told him.

Mr. Lee cleared his throat and got everyone's attention, "Everyone. I have some news." He looked down and bit his lip.

Everyone in the class started to look at each other, worried, "As you can see, Mr. Tuan isn't here. That's because he's... dead."

As soon as he said this, everyone in the class started to talk, wanting to know why and how it happened. Mr. Lee got the class' attention again and continued, "We found him in his apartment. He was hung in his bedroom, stab wounds in his stomach. He was taken straight to the hospital to get an autopsy done. There were no fingerprints besides his own. There were no weapons on the premises. It was a cold-blooded murder and we don't know who it could've been. We hope to find the culprit soon but we're not sure when we will. There won't be any classes for anyone. I'm going to go to the other classes and tell them the news. Class dismissed." And, with that, he left the class.

Everyone started talking, wanting to find out who did it. It was a beyond messed up act, and it didn't deserve to be forgotten.

But if only you knew that the murderer was sitting right behind you.

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