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I am not breaking up with him. I love him more than anything. It took us so long to actually get together and it's only been a few days. Why do I have to break up with him? It won't change anything. He's still my best friend.


It will. More than you think.


Is this so you could "hide him"? It'll be easier for you and you think that I won't be as upset. Like I said, he's still my best friend, and I've known him for almost all my life.


Okay. Since it seems like you won't agree to do anything involving Hoseok, I may have to bring someone else onto the table.


Who else can you bring into this?


Min Yoongi.


What does he have to do with this? He's innocent. Don't bring him into this.


What if I told you that he wasn't?


What do you mean?


What if he told me to do all this?


He wouldn't. He's my friend. He wouldn't do anything like this.


You don't know him like I do. I've known him longer than you.


Who are you?


I can't tell you. But, I'll stop bothering you about this. I'll leave you alone. It'll be a while until I talk to you again. So, until then...


Wait! Who are you?


Come back!


You stared at the screen, infuriated.

Whoever this person was is coming back. They threatened you, only to leave you alone.

"What is going on?" You mumbled to yourself.

You had the need to tell someone what was going on. But you didn't want to call Hoseok. He would only become even more overprotective of you and that would put him in danger.

Not Yoongi. It would be the same as Hoseok.

You scrolled through your contacts, looking for someone to talk to. Someone who you could trust.

But there was no one else there for you. The only person you would've talked to was Mark, but he's dead.

You had no one. You were alone. You don't want the ones you care about to get involved. It's only going to make things worse.

You fell onto your bed and closed your eyes, wanting all of this to go away. Wanting things to go back to normal.

Even if it meant you were still getting bullied. Even if it meant that you and Hoseok weren't dating. Even if it meant that you never met Yoongi. It didn't matter. You just wanted everything to go back to normal.

But things only got worse the next day.

Mine Forever || Yandere!M.YG x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now