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Days later, you've been getting cravings and you've been feeling more and more hungry. If you wanted this baby to live, you had to eat properly. And you're also eating to get the strength to escape. You might have to carry Hoseok out of there, even though you shouldn't in your condition.

Yoongi has been going into your room even more frequently than before, too. He would always give you extra food and make sure you're not sick. It would've been sweet, if it wasn't for the fact that he kidnapped you and not too long after, sexually assaulted you.

You've been wanting to ask him if you could see Hoseok and tell him the news. But, you didn't want him to think that Hoseok is going to take you and the child away. He could've killed him. But, you had to tell him.

Yoongi came inside your room with a tray of food. He smiled at you when he placed it down on your bedside table, "How's my (Y/N) and our child?"

You tried to hide your disgusted look and put on a fake smile, "We're fine. But, there is something that I and our baby would like to do."

He sat next to you, "What is it, my love?"

You pursed your lips and smiled, "Well, since we have a baby on the way, I was wondering if I could share the news with someone else."

His smile faltered as he realized what you meant. He pursed his lips and forced a smile, "And, who exactly do you want to tell?"

"There's only one other person here I can tell. You killed Taehyung, so I can't tell him." You said, trying not to think about the last memory of Taehyung you had.

Yoongi was quiet before standing up suddenly, "You can see him, but only if I'm there I'm the room."

You nodded, happy that you could finally see Hoseok after what felt like forever. Yoongi went to the door and you followed closely behind him. Going down the hall for a few minutes, a set of stairs were seen. It was dark as you walked up, but the smell of blood lingered.

Once you got to the top, Yoongi grabbed your wrist and led you through the dark halls. He stopped in front of a room and you felt chills go down your spine. You knew there was something in that room.

Slowly, Yoongi turned the doorknob and opened the door. He flicked on the lights and your eyes took a few seconds to adjust. You stepped back in surprise and disgust. This room was covered in blood and torture weapons, chains and rope hung from the walls. You covered your mouth and shut your eyes, trying not to throw up. You took a few deep breaths before opening your eyes.

In the middle of the room, you saw a chair. There wasn't anything or anyone in it. You looked around the room more and saw a bed on the other side. You noticed a body chained to the bed. You shook Yoongi's grip from your wrist and ran to the bed. There, you saw Hoseok's body lying. You fell to your knees as you examined his state.

His left arm was gone completely, bruises and cuts were visible everywhere. Not an inch of skin was clear. You noticed that he was a lot thinner than you last saw him. You felt tears prick the corners of your eyes as you saw the small, short breaths he takes as he sleeps.

You held his hand and squeezed it gently, "H-Hobi~ Wake up~" You whispered, your voice shaking slightly.

He shifted and slowly turned to where you were. You gasped quietly and waited as his eyes fluttered open. Your tears fell straight away and you clenched onto his hand tighter. "(Y-Y/N)?" He called you, his voice quiet and broken.

"Y-Yes, I'm here," you whispered. "I have something important to tell you."

"What-What is i-it?" He asked, his voice raspy.

"I-I'm pregnant," you said, more tears falling for a different reason.

Hoseok's eyes widened weakly, "Wh-What? H-How?"

You bit your lip, "Y-You don't need to know the details. I... I just wanted to tell you before anything else happens."

He became more concerned, "No, t-tell me. I-I need to know."

You shook your head and leaned closer to Hoseok, embracing him gently. You heard Yoongi click his tongue from the other side of the room, "If I tell you the truth, I don't know what Yoongi's going to do to you. I'd rather not risk that, seeing how far he'll go." You whispered.

"(Y/N)! Let's go, you need to eat," Yoongi shouted for you.

You slowly pulled away from Hoseok, leaving a quick and small kiss on his cheek. You stood up and let go of Hoseok's hand, "I don't when I'll see you again. But, if I do, I hope it's when we escape." You said loud enough for only Hoseok to hear.

You walked away from Hoseok and he watched you, not able to say anything. He finally got to see you after so long, and this was what you told him. If he wasn't chained up, he would've killed Yoongi right then and there. But, he couldn't do anything. All he could do was hopelessly watch as you walk away and go to Yoongi, carrying a mini-Yoongi in your stomach.

The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to escape. He didn't want to see you helping Yoongi raise a child that could be him in the future. This made him want to actually fight back when he gets the chance. He doesn't care what kind of torture he has to go through. Only if it means that you, at least, can escape, he would die happy.

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