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"We need to talk to Hoseok," Taehyung said.

"Why? What's going on?" You asked, becoming suspicious of them. They were all fidgeting and looking away from you. It was beyond weird.

"It's nothing you need to worry about. Where is he?" Asked Momo.

"If it concerns Hoseok, it concerns me, too. So, tell me what happened," You said, crossing your arms and leaning against the door frame.

"W-We can't tell you (Y/N). It would be dangerous if you were involved and Hoseok wouldn't want you to get hurt," Jin said quickly.

You sighed and moved back, "Alright, come in. He's in my room. You'll know which one it is right away."

They all entered your house, running to your room get to him. Your eyebrows arched in curiosity. You quietly went up to your door and stood outside your room, knowing the exact spot where you could hear everything, "He threatened us. It's only a matter of time until he does anything to you." You heard Namjoon say, concern clear in his voice.

"He can't do anything to me. It's only going to hurt her more and it'll make her more distant. That's not going to help him. And why should I believe you?" Hoseok said, irritation dripping from his words.

You heard shuffling around the room, "Look. This scar on my arm wasn't here before. He left it there. He followed me home and threatened me just because I TURNED in her direction. I didn't even look at her. He's crazy." Jungkook explained.

"Again, why should I believe you? I get that he seems sketchy but to do this? That's over-exaggerating. There's no way he's capable of all this. He has such a tiny body, none of this seems possible." Hoseok said, sounding annoyed.

"What if we told you that he was the one who killed Mark?" Momo said and you gasped quietly.

"What? Mark was hung then stabbed a countless number of times in the stomach. Or the other way around. Whatever. But he's not capable of that." Hoseok told them.

"Think about it. He gave Jungkook a scar for looking in her direction. Mark hurt her in the past and he told us that he talked to her recently. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually killed him. Mark wouldn't have done that to himself. He was happy and healthy. Even if he did, the weapon would've been found. It ties together, Hoseok. It'll only be worse if you stay with (Y/N)," Jimin explained.

Hoseok sighed and looked down, shaking his head, "If what you're saying is true, then why didn't you tell the police or someone?"

"He would've killed us if we did. He's basically watching our every move. We're not safe. We were scared to come here and we hoped that you wouldn't be here, either. We thought that you would be at home and that would've made this so much easier." Namjoon explained.

You were trying to think about who they were talking about. There were a bunch of guys who were rumoured to have a crush on you before the party but, after that, they didn't care about you anymore. It couldn't have been one of them, 'Then, who?'

"You know what? If you don't believe us, you're going to end up learning the truth the hard way. Let's go," Momo said before walking to the door.

You quickly sprinted away from your room and went into the kitchen. You leaned against the counter, trying to catch your breath, "(Y/N), we're leaving." Taehyung said before you heard the door close.

You sighed in relief and locked the front door, going to your room right after. You opened the door slightly to see Hoseok holding his head in his hands, his arms propped on his knees. You shut the door and he looked up at you. He smiled weakly and looked back down, "I know you were listening. You don't need to lie." He said quietly.

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