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Another few days past by and still nothing about Hoseok. You constantly wished that he would be found and that he would be okay. He would be found happy and healthy, nothing bad happened to him and there were no injuries.

Going to school, you walked quietly, enjoying the weather before it starts to get colder. But as you entered the gates, things started to get thrown at you. Anything from cans to bottles to paper balls were being thrown. You tried to block as much as you could as you entered the school.

You put your arms down and turned to look at everyone outside, 'Why're they throwing stuff at me suddenly? I thought that they stopped.' You thought.

You walked down the hallway, trying to get to your class. But you were stopped by a few people blocking your way. You looked up nervously and saw a few guys looking down at you. You bowed in apology and tried to get past them, but they didn't let you. They weren't going to. They had something else in mind, "Can you please let me past? I need to get to class." You said quietly.

One of the boys scoffed, "You think you're going to get through that easily? We haven't done anything in months, so we have to make up for that time."

"C-Can you please leave me alone? You don't even know the real story. You were told a completely different one," you told them, looking down.

One of the other boys pushed your shoulder, "You think you're so strong and brave, don't you? Well, you're not. You're just a whore. You want to do it with every guy you see, and you would be willing to do anything."

"Please, leave me alone," you mumbled, feeling tears sting your eyes.

They all circled you and started to push you around. You never fought back. You always thought that if you didn't do anything, they would see no reaction and eventually leave you alone. But, it never worked.

They continued to push you around for a few more minutes before one of them pulled down the shoulder of your shirt. You moved away and covered your shoulder. "Leave me alone!" You pleaded but they didn't listen.

They continued to pull on your clothes, trying to rip them. You were cornered against a wall and you were starting to lose hope until, "Boys! What do you think you're doing?"

The group turned around and faces whoever shouted at them, "W-We weren't doing anything. We were just asking if we could borrow some paper."

"That didn't look like it. All of you! Go to the principal's office, now! You're all going to be expelled for your actions."

The boys looked at each other before walking away. You collapsed on the floor, crying. The person approached you and crouched in front of you, "(Y/N), are you okay?" You looked up and saw Mark standing in front of you.

You looked at him puzzled, "I thought you were dead." You whispered.

Mark sighed, "(Y/N), Mr. Tuan isn't here anymore." And with that, you snapped out of your trance and saw Ms. Kim there.

"S-Sorry," you mumbled, looking away from her.

"It's okay. You're still mourning over your loss. I know that you two were close. But he would want you to stay strong," she told you.

You nodded and Ms. Kim reached out her hand to you, "Would you like to talk to Mr. Lee? I know that Mr. Tuan was close to him, too."

You nodded, "Can I?"

She smiled sadly at you and led you to the washroom first, "Wash up a bit. I don't want Mr. Lee questioning you about what happened."

You nodded and went to the sink, washing your face. You tried to fix your shirt but it was stretched too much, "Here." You turned around and saw Ms. Kim giving you a sweater, "It's mine. You can keep it."

"Th-Thank you," you said, taking the sweater and slipping it on.

"Come on, let's get you to Mr. Lee."

The walk to his office was quiet since class was starting soon and everyone was in their classroom. Just as the bell rang, you were standing in front of Mr. Lee's office.

You hesitantly knocked on the door and he quickly swung it open, "(Y/N), come in."

You walked in and sat across from him, "What's going on? I was expecting you to come to talk to me sooner."

"Minhyuk, tell me something," you started and looked to him to see if he cares about you calling him by his real name.

When you saw that he was listening, you continued, "When Mark was found, was the description you gave to us completely accurate?"

He pursed his lips, "Why're you asking?"

You shrugged, "It just doesn't seem right. If you tell me, I won't tell anyone else. I promise."

He sighed and leaned back, brushing his hand through his hair, "He wasn't found in his apartment."


"He was found in the school, in his classroom. The way he was found was true but there was a message on the wall."

You watched as he shut his eyes and clenched his fists, trying not to think about the image, "It said, 'If I see anyone hurting, or even talking to my (Y/N), I'll kill you.'"

You stared at him in shock, "Who would write that? I'm not anyone's to own."

Minhyuk shrugged, "Honestly, I thought it was Hoseok at first but he went missing. I don't know anyone else who would do that."

He leaned forward and held your hands in comfort for both you and himself, "(Y/N), you should be careful. I don't know who this person is, but whoever it is, they're obsessed with you. I don't know if I can help, but the only thing I can do now is warn you."

You nodded, looking down, "Alright. Thank you, Minhyuk. I'll see you later." You said, getting up and leaving his office.

But if only you knew not to go to Mr. Lee's office that day. Because your Yandere was already angry.

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