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"(Y/N)~ Are you awake? I have breakfast for you."

You stayed silent. You didn't want him to come in. You didn't want to see him. It's been a few weeks since Hoseok died. You haven't been able to sleep. The image of Hoseok's body is all you could see when you closed your eyes. It didn't help that you were stuck again.

Yoongi knocked on the door harshly when you didn't answer. You almost let out a cry, but you bit your lip hard, causing it to bleed. You shut your eyes, waiting for him to leave. It wasn't too long until you heard footsteps walking away from your door. You let out a silent sigh of relief and relaxed. You looked around, the restraints still on you. Yoongi didn't trust you at all anymore, after everything that happened.

You looked down to your stomach, thinking about the future. How would things be after your child was born? What are the living circumstances they would live in? Would they be happy with their life? So many questions in your head... but you can't predict the future.

You sighed and shut your eyes, taking deep breaths to relax. You couldn't take it anymore, you felt like you were going crazy. But, there was nothing left for you to do. If you tried to fight back, he would kill you. He wouldn't care about anything at that point. He wouldn't think, either.


It's been a few hours since Yoongi came by your room and now he was there again, but with a surprise.

He knocked before opening the door with a big smile on his face, "(Y/N)~ Guess what?"

You were slightly startled by the fact that he sounded.... happy? You weren't really sure, but it scared you.

You turned to him and saw a huge smile on his face. Your body instinctively started to move, trying to get out of the restraints. You didn't know what he planned or what he did. But whatever it was, it was never good.

He sat next to your bed and held your hand, squeezing it gently. He looked down your figure and his smile grew as his eyes landed on your stomach, "I have a surprise for you~"

You gulped and you felt something stir in your stomach like something bad was about to happen. When you didn't answer, Yoongi stood up and left your room for a minute before pulling something, more like someone, inside. Your eyes widened as you realized that it was a priest he had brought in. The priest looked at you in shock and disbelief, "We're getting married~" Yoongi said happily.

"D-Did you k-kidnap a priest just for th-this?" You asked, hoping that, somehow, he kindly asked the priest to be there.

But, of course, Yoongi nodded and showed off his gummy smile more. You felt your heart slowly break apart. First, he kidnaps you, then he rapes you, then he kills the love of your life, and now he's forcing you to marry him. What else could he do? He's already broken you enough, he couldn't do anything else that could make it worse, could he?

"(Y/N), I have the perfect dress for you to wear. I'll bring it in a few minutes, I have to set up everything for this big day," Yoongi said and dragged the priest out with him.

As soon as the door closed, you felt your heart drop and tears piercing the sides of your eyes. Both you and Yoongi weren't even eighteen yet, but here you were, about to get married to the sickest person in the world. You had no other choice. This was going to be your life.


It's been two hours since Yoongi left to set up everything. You hoped that he wouldn't come back in your room, but he rushed inside holding a beautiful white dress. He put it on one of the chairs in your room and came up to you. He started to loosen your restraints for you, "I can't wait to marry my beautiful princess~ I found the perfect dress for the perfect girl. I still can't believe I found someone like you to marry and have a child with. We'll live so happily together. Our little perfect family. Just the three of us with no one else in our way."

Yoongi finished taking off all of your restraints and left the room, "I'm going to get ready

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Yoongi finished taking off all of your restraints and left the room, "I'm going to get ready. I know you'll look just perfect in that dress. I'll see you in 15 minutes, love~" And, he left.

You rubbed your wrists and ankles, finally feeling free. You stood up and lifted up the dress, examining every detail of it. It really was a beautiful dress and you would be lying to yourself if you said you weren't a bit excited to wear it. But the reason you were wearing it was holding you back. You fought with yourself for a few minutes before actually putting it on. You looked into the mirror and saw how the dress fit your body perfectly. You honestly didn't know what to think. This was happening...

You heard a sudden knock at your door and you jumped. Yoongi spoke from the other side of the door, "(Y/N)~ I hope you're ready because we're about to start. I'm leaving some flowers here for you and there's a trail of flower petals that lead to the altar. See you soon~"

You had no other choice. You had to get married to Yoongi, whether you wanted to or not. You opened the door and saw a bouquet of flowers. You hesitantly picked them up and followed the trail of rose petals. You slowly walked down the hall, thinking about what was actually happening.

There was nowhere you could run

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There was nowhere you could run. Nowhere to escape. You had no other choice. This was going to be your life. Being married to Yoongi and having a family with him. You were stuck with him forever. He claimed you as his and no matter how hard you fought, you would forever be his.

Mine Forever || Yandere!M.YG x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now