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"(Y/N), you'll be okay. I'll get you out of this," Namjoon reassured you.

You stared at him, wanting to know how he found you and why he's helping you. He was one of the people who bullied you the most. He always did with so much hate and disgust that you never expected him to help you with anything.

The first man clicked his tongue and approached Namjoon, "Looks like this so-called innocent girl has a boyfriend."

The man you bit chimed in, "How about we teach him a lesson?"

The first guy smirked, "Yeah, we should. This won't take too long though."

The four men started going closer to Namjoon. Namjoon watched as they started to circle him. One of them attacked him but he swiftly dodged the attack. The next guy went in for a punch but Namjoon grabbed his hand and twisted it. The man growled in pain and moved away.

The other two tried to grab him at the same time, and they did. The first guy smirked and tried to punch Namjoon. But Namjoon kicked him in his knees, then he elbowed the two holding him back in the stomach.

He came in front of you and stood protectively over you, "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

You nodded and stood up. The four men stood at the entrance of the alley. The guy who was kicked laughed, "Both of you are stuck here. We've got you trapped."

Namjoon grinned, "We'll see about that." He said quietly.

You watched as he suddenly sprinted towards them and beat them up. It all happened so fast that you couldn't keep track of what was going on. Before you knew it, they all ran off.

Namjoon was breathing heavily, tired and injured slightly. You ran up to him, "Namjoon, are you okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry," he said, smiling.

You looked at his face to see that he had a cut in his cheek, a black eye, and a cut on his lip, "Let's go sit down. I-I need to talk to you anyways." You said, leading him to a park nearby.

You both sat down on a bench that was hidden behind a tree. You opened your bag and took out some tissues and a water bottle to clean his cuts. You wet the tissue with a bit of water and squeezed out any excess. When you pressed the tissue to his face, he winced and you mumbled a 'sorry' to him.

After you did what you could, you looked down, "Why did you help me?" You asked quietly.

He took a deep breath and shrugged, "Why wouldn't I? It doesn't matter who it is, I would've helped since it's the right thing to do."

"But you knew it was me. And you still helped me. I'm pretty sure if it were someone else, they would've left me there," you told him.

He shook his head, "No, they wouldn't have."

"Namjoon, don't tell me that you haven't at least heard about what happened. Strangers were looking at me like I meant to put those pictures up. If they heard what those guys said, they would've left me, thinking that it would teach me a lesson," you explained, almost yelling.

Namjoon was quiet for a minute, "Just because there are those pictures and rumours about you, they didn't change anything that I knew about you." He said, looking at you with soft eyes and a small smile. 

He continued, "I've known you for so long and you haven't changed. You may not show it, but you still care for the people who were once your friends. And we do, too."

You scoffed, "I don't believe you. If you did care about me still, why did you guys bully me the most?" You asked, feeling upset at the thought.

"Because we wanted people to back off. We want them to think that we were your bullies and that we were the only ones who could bully you. After everyone stopped bothering you, we were going to talk to you, ask for forgiveness. But that didn't go as planned. I'm sorry, (Y/N). I genuinely am. Can we be friends again?" Namjoon asked, putting his hands on yours.

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