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You both ran as fast as you could, hoping to get far away from that hell. You finally felt a sense of freedom after so many months. You didn't even know what the date was. You didn't know how far you were from everyone else. Or, any building.

After about 30 minutes of running, you decided to take a break. You fell against a tree and Hoseok sat down beside you, "We're finally out." You said, still trying to breathe properly.

Hoseok smiled at you, "Yeah," he said breathlessly, his smile slowly faltering. "But, I have a feeling that something's wrong."

You raised an eyebrow and looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"I think this is too good to be true," he looked at you seriously.

You looked at him in disbelief. After all of this, he's not even the slightest bit excited about escaping. You stood up and looked at him angrily, "Hoseok, why would you say that? We're finally out of that prison and this is what you have to say?!"

He stood up and put a hand on your shoulder, "(Y/N), calm down. I know how much this means to you, but I just have this feeling that something's wrong."

You couldn't contain your anger. You loved Hoseok and you would never raise your voice at him, but the fact that he was telling you all this after months of being trapped, you couldn't believe that he would say this. "You know what? If you're going to be like this, I'll just find my way out by myself." You said, walking away from Hoseok.

"(Y/N)! Come back! It's not safe to go alone," He called after you, but you ignored him. You didn't know what had gotten into you, but whatever it was, you couldn't control it.


Hoseok watched as you walked away. He couldn't believe you would do that. He couldn't believe that you would say those things, especially after the fact that he struggled to escape for you. Well, maybe not struggled. Let's just say that's not exactly how things went. It was a bit more.... different.

But, either way, Hoseok did what he had to do in order to escape from his restraints and this was how you repaid him? He obviously knew what kind of state you were in and he wanted to protect you for as long as he could, but he already failed. He let you walk off by yourself and you were alone, lost with no sense of direction. Hoseok wanted to run after you but remembered that there was no point. So, he just walked the opposite way, trying to find his own way out of the forest.


After your little outbreak, you left Hoseok alone in the forest and tried to find your way out. You were still blinded by anger and you were stomping around. It took you a few minutes before you realized how angry you were. You stopped walking and took a breather, trying to calm down.

You leaned against a tree and put your head in your hands, you had to think about what happened. You didn't know what caused your sudden outburst. It just happened. Maybe it was because you were stuck underground for so long and you didn't see any other life besides Yoongi and, occasionally, Hoseok. 

Maybe it was because you never got to release your anger out on anyone in so long. If you released it out on Yoongi, who knows what he would've done. And you never got to talk to Hoseok about what happened to you. You never had anyone to talk to about everything for so long. And now that you had the chance, you didn't know how to. You had too much anger built inside of you and you released it all on Hoseok.

You shook your head and hit it a few times. You stood up straight and dropped your arms down to your sides. You had to go back to Hoseok. You had to stay by his side and go through this together. You both escaped and now you had to find civilization again before Yoongi finds you.

With that in mind, you ran back to where you left Hoseok. If only you knew that it was too late.

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