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You and Hoseok walked back into the school, hand-in-hand. You leaned your head on his shoulder as you approached an empty classroom. He sat down at a desk and you sat across from him. You both were quiet, holding each other's hand and enjoying each other's company.

You looked up at him and noticed that his mind was wandering, "Hobi, what's wrong?"

His attention was on you right away. He put on a small smile and rubbed his thumb against your hand, "It's nothing. I'm just happy that we're together."

You furrowed your eyebrows and pulled your hand away. You crossed your arms and put on a serious expression. He looked to you with saddened eyes, "I know there's something wrong. What's up?"

He scratched his neck nervously, "It's just that when we were outside, talking, someone was there."

You raised an eyebrow at his words, "What do you mean?"

He bit his lip and looked down, "I don't know who it was. But as soon as we got outside to talk, someone was watching and listening. I didn't get to see who exactly it was. I don't even know if it was a guy or girl. But I know for a fact that there was someone."

You started to think about who it might be, "Do you know who it might've been?"

He shook his head, "I don't know who would watch us. And I don't know why, either."

Before you could say anything, the bell rang, indicating the end of lunch. You and Hoseok stood up and made your way to class. You sat in your normal seat and Hoseok did the same.

Everyone else started coming in, but no one paid any attention to you. The all were looking down as if they were scared to look at you. You looked to Hoseok and he just shrugged. 

You looked back to the door and saw Yoongi walking in, a few people trailing behind him. He turned to look at them and you noticed that they flinched slightly. Yoongi walked to his seat behind you and sat down.

Before the teacher came into the class, Yoongi tapped your shoulder from behind. You turned to him, "Where'd you go after your friend dragged you out?" He asked, concerned.

You smiled at him, "We went to an empty classroom. We just relaxed until the bell rang."

He nodded, "Is that it?"

You turned your body more to him, "Why're you asking?"

He leaned back and crossed his arms, "It's just that I heard that you both are dating."

You raised your eyebrows in shock. You leaned in a bit closer to him to whisper, "Were you the one who was watching us?"

He shook his head, "No. Was there someone?"

You moved back and put back on a smile, "No, nevermind. It's nothing you need to worry about." 

He raised an eyebrow at you curiously, "Are you sure? I'm your friend, you know. You can tell me anything." 

You pursed your lips and shook your head, "It's really nothing you need to worry about."

He shrugged and used his head to gesture that Mr. Tuan was there. You turned back around, facing the front. You were lucky that everyone was talking to each other. You quickly grabbed your notebook and placed it on your desk. Mr. Tuan got the class to quiet down and started his lesson.

The end of the school day came by slowly. You had to do an activity in partners, but Yoongi made it more difficult for you. He kept asking you to be his partner since he didn't know anyone else. But you wanted to be partners with Hoseok. He's been the only partner you've had during class activities, and you kind of wanted it to stay that way.

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