~Christmas Special~

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"(Y/NNN)!! IT'S FINALLY WINTER!" Hoseok shouted happily, running around in the field of snow.

You laughed at how cute he looked, "I know. You've been telling me this since the start of the month."

"Because it's amazing!" He plopped down in the snow.

You laughed as you walked up to him to see that he was making snow angels, "You're so weird."

He stopped and smiled brightly, "I'm your weirdo."

You felt yourself blush and you covered your face with your scarf. Hoseok sat up and put out his hand for you to help him up. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand. Before you could even try, he pulled you down into the snow.

You didn't land directly in the snow. You landed right on top of Hoseok. He smiled at you and you quickly got up. You slapped his arm and he laughed, "You should've expected that. I've been doing that ever since we were kids." He told you.

"Maybe I wanted to be on top of you," you mumbled.

"What was that?" He asked and you shook your head, "Nothing."

Hoseok laid back down and put his hands behind his head. You copied his actions and laid down next to him. He took a deep breath, "This is nice. It's just like when we were kids. I remember our moms would bring us here to play, and they would always yell at me when I would drop into the snow. That was fun."

You laughed and looked at him. The sun was out, but it couldn't compete with how bright Hoseok looked. You smiled unknowingly and remembered something.

You stood up and went above Hoseok's head. He didn't look at you, he just continued to stare up at the sky. You smiled devilishly and gathered a handful of snow. You quickly made a ball and held it behind you. You approached Hoseok, facing him and smiling, "(Y/N), what are you doing? You're blocking the-" You interrupted him by dropping the snowball on his face.

You laughed and Hoseok wiped the snow off his face. He smirked and sat up, "So, you want to play that game? I'll play." He said, beginning to gather snow.

You squealed in excitement and ran away. You hid behind a tree and made a snowball. You looked around and Hoseok threw his snowball, almost hitting you. "Ha, you missed!" You shouted.

"I'm not missing next time," He said, loud enough for you to hear.

"We'll see about that," You said before turning around and throwing yours, making another one after. It hit Hoseok's leg and he screamed dramatically.

You laughed and looked to where Hoseok was hiding. You didn't see any movement, but you didn't take the risk of getting hit. You waited another minute and peeked out again.

You didn't hear any rustling and you didn't see any movement. You came out from behind your hiding spot and approached Hoseok's. You held the snowball closely and made sure you were ready to throw.

As soon as you were close enough, you jumped right in front of where Hoseok, presumably, was. You brought up your arm, ready to throw. But, there was nothing there.

You were about to walk around his hiding spot until you were pulled back, dropping your snowball. You fell back into the snow and you were blinded by the sun. You covered your eyes and felt someone hover above you. You put your hands up in surrender and sighed, "Fine, you win."

You looked at him and smiled, and he did the same, "You gave up that quickly? You've changed since last year."

You rolled your eyes, "I never said I gave up. It's getting late, we should go." You said, trying to push him off.

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