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"Hoseok, wait up!" You shouted after him as he walked out of the school.

It's been a few days since that picture incident. Everything was swept under the rug and no one talked about it on Monday. Taehyung and the rest did what you asked them to do and they deleted any source of the pictures they could find. You did thank them, but you still don't talk to them as much.

When it came to Yoongi, you asked him to talk to you after school on Monday. You told him that you couldn't be friends anymore and his reaction wasn't how you expected it to be. He calmly nodded and said he understood. You expected him to yell or ask more questions as to why, but he didn't. But there was still something that felt off.

You shrugged it off like nothing and the next few days were normal. There wasn't any big drama and you didn't get bullied. It was actually nice for once.

You continued to run after Hobi as he got farther and farther away from the school. He stopped behind a corner and, as soon as you got there, he scared you. You screamed quietly and jumped. He laughed and you softly slapped his arm, "Don't do that." You mumbled.

"It was funny. I won't do it again, I promise," he said, still laughing quietly.

You pouted and crossed your arms. He smiled at your cuteness and kissed your forehead, holding your hand afterwards. You blushed as you both continued to walk, hand-in-hand.

You got home and opened the door. You and Hoseok went straight into the kitchen to eat. Both of you sat down at the table, silently eating the food that your mom cooked, "Did Yoongi do anything today?" Hoseok asked, breaking the silence.

You rolled your eyes, "Why do you have to ask this question every day? It's going to be the same answer. You don't need to worry about me, we stopped talking altogether, okay?"

Hoseok nodded, "I know. I just wanted to make sure."

"You've been making sure for the last few days."

"A few days isn't a long time."

"I know, but... you keep bringing it up, and I want to forget that any of that ever happened," you said quietly.

"Well, I'll stop asking you. But if you want to talk, I'm always here for you," he said, smiling.

You smiled in return and leaned into him. He put an arm around you and rested his head on yours. You both stayed like that for a few minutes, silence overtaking the house.

You shut your eyes, trying to forget everything that happened. You thought about all the happy memories you made with Hoseok. You got rid of the bad memories that happened in the last few years. You felt the need to forget anything and everything that brought you misery. You wanted to only have happy memories in your head. Only good, and nothing bad.

But the memory of you meeting Yoongi for the first time kept replaying over and over again in your head. All the moments you shared with him were playing like a movie. You wanted to get rid of him. You didn't want him in your head anymore. You wanted him to get out. You wanted him to leave. You wanted him to leave you alone.

But no matter how hard you tried, he wouldn't go away. Both in your head and in reality.

Mine Forever || Yandere!M.YG x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now