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You went to school the next day, feeling depressed and down.

The one person in your life that was always there for you, that always protected you, that always took care of you, that always loved you, was gone. The police weren't going to start looking for him until a few hours after school finished.

You sat down in your seat, wishing that you could leave and look for Hobi. You just wished that you could find him yourself. You didn't want anyone else to find him.

The bell rang, indicating the start of class. You saw more of your classmates enter the room, Yoongi at the back. He sat down at his seat behind you, "Hey (Y/N)."

"Hey," you said, looking keeping your eyes to the front of the classroom.

Ms. Kim started the lesson and you listened to everything, trying not to think about Hoseok. But it didn't help when you felt eyes piercing the back of your neck.

You turned to look at Yoongi, but he was looking down at his notes. Your eyes shifted between the front of the room and Yoongi. You sighed and turned back to the front.

After a few minutes, you again felt eyes piercing your neck. You groaned quietly in annoyance and turned to look at him again, "Yoongi, can you please stop staring at me?" You whispered.

His face began to turn red, "S-Sorry. It's just that it looks like something's wrong."

You opened your mouth to speak, but shut it right after. You pursed your lips then said, "I'll tell you later." You turned back around and waited until lunch started.

The bell rang and you grabbed your bag, walking out the room and waited for Yoongi. He came out shortly after and grabbed your hand. He took you outside and stood in front of you, "What happened?"

You felt tears welling up in your eyes, "Hoseok went missing. I-I don't know where he is and the police aren't going to start a search until later today. I want to go find him, but I don't know where to look. I already lost Mark. I don't want to lose Hoseok, too. I'm going to have no one. I'm going to be alone."

"Shhh. Shhhh, it's okay," Yoongi shushed you and pulled you into a hug.

Tears fell from your eyes, but you didn't sob. You didn't move to hug Yoongi. You just stood there as Yoongi began to stroke your head in comfort. What he was doing didn't feel right. Nothing felt right. But you ignored it.

He was trying to make you feel better. This was his way of helping you. You had to accept it, or else he would feel upset.

You just wanted to find Hoseok. You didn't need comforting. You didn't need pity. You just wanted to find him.

But what you didn't know was that Yoongi was smiling, happy that you were going to be his. And his forever.

Mine Forever || Yandere!M.YG x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now