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You ran as fast as you could, trying to get to Hoseok quickly. You didn't pay attention to the burning of your legs as you ran. It felt like you were running for a long time, only just realizing how far you left him alone.

Before you knew you it, you started to recognize some familiar scenery. Some berry bushes were grouped together to the left, and a few trees had bird nests on the right. You started to run faster, knowing that you were getting closer and closer to him. But, a certain colour began to fill your vision. Red.

You came to a halt as the colour surrounded you. On the ground, splattered on some trees and bushes. Your heart began to race even faster than it already was. You took a deep breath and started to slowly walk towards where the blood led. More and more red was exposed as you went through a few trees. You managed to get through and you were presented with an opening.

You covered your mouth and closed your eyes when you saw the sight in front of you, tears falling from your eyes. You couldn't speak. You couldn't scream. You couldn't cry. You were frozen with tears streaming down your face. The sight before you was cruel. You could never forget it, even if you looked at it for a split second, it will always be there.

All you could see was blood, still oozing from the body in the middle of the opening. The body was cut open, straight down the middle. There were cuts on the body's neck and arms, limbs were thrown about. And, worst of all, that body was Hoseok's.

You stumbled back and left the opening. You turned around and ran away, hoping that you could escape. You stopped and threw up, not able to contain yourself. You wiped your mouth and felt dizzy. You collapsed against a tree and passed out.

You didn't know how long it's been since you passed out when you felt someone pick you up. You were conscious enough to know that there was someone there, but not enough to hear or see anything clearly. You let this person carry you to wherever they were going. You wanted to say something, but couldn't. Your throat felt dry and your stomach churned.

After a few minutes, you heard a gentle creak. You realized it was a door when you heard the echo of a slam. You were put down into something soft and you ended up falling asleep.

Mine Forever || Yandere!M.YG x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now