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You woke up, your head pulsing. You couldn't move, pain was running through your body. It hurt to barely move your finger. You quietly groaned as you slowly moved around, trying to move your arm. But, your arm just wouldn't move.

You tried again, but it still wouldn't move. You tried your other arm, but nothing.

You slowly lifted your head and opened your eyes. You could barely see your surroundings. Everything was a blur in your eyes, the only thing clear to you was the chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. You tried to move your legs, but they wouldn't.

You gently flexed some muscles in your leg and felt something tight around your thigh. The same thing with your wrists, something tight was around them. The pulsing in your head slowly subsided and you were able to see clearly. The room looked expensive, the ceiling high and the room a bit spacious. It looked like a room you would see in an old movie about the royal family or something. The fireplace on the other side of the room was lit and the flames were small. It would've felt cozy to you if it wasn't for the fact that you were tied down and in pain. 

You tried wiggling around, trying to loosen the restraints

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You tried wiggling around, trying to loosen the restraints. And, you just barely managed to free one of your hands before you heard a gentle knock on the door. You panicked and pretended to be asleep, you didn't want whoever had you to do anything.

After a minute, you heard the door slowly creak open. You tried not to whimper in fear or scream for help. You heard quiet footsteps coming towards you, the carpet muffling everything. You heard the clink of something being put down next to you. You tried to control your breathing as you felt the person come closer to you. 

They leaned in and you could feel their breath against your ear, "Princess, you really thought you would be able to escape that easily? I planned everything that happened, just to see if you really did love me, as you told me you did. I had to make sure, and I was right to suspect you of lying. You shouldn't have done that. If I didn't love you so much," he stopped and put his hand over your stomach. "I would've killed you and our child. I didn't want to be the murderer of an innocent child, and one that's mine, too. We're going to raise them to be just like me, always going after the one they love no matter what. Even if it means killing others. And don't even think about trying to escape this time. I won't hesitate to kill you."

He pulled away slightly and kissed your cheek, then he left. You heard the door close and footsteps echoing through the halls. You opened your eyes and let the tears fall from your eyes. You didn't care if he killed you. But if he killed your child, even if it was his, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself. You would eventually escape, and you knew you would, but you also wanted your child to get out while they can. Before they can become like their father. Before they become a sick murderer and heartless.

You would, even if it meant you had to die. Whether it would be by his hand... or your own.

Mine Forever || Yandere!M.YG x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now