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You walked out of the class, hand-in-hand with Hoseok, "Who do you think did this?" You asked him, tears coming down your face.

He shook his head and sighed, "I don't know. He doesn't have any enemies that I know of. And if he did, he would've told you or one of us."

You wiped your eyes and leaned into Hoseok more. Before you could say anything else, Yoongi approached you, "Hey, (Y/N). Hoseok." He said Hoseok's name while glaring at him.

Hoseok rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, "What do you want?" He asked, pulling you closer to him.

"I just wanted to talk to (Y/N)," He said, shrugging.

Hoseok looked to you, worried. You looked at him and nodded. He let go of your hand and nodded in return, "Alright. But if I find you doing anything, you'll be dead." He warned Yoongi.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and you both walked to the front of the school, walking around it, "So, what did you want to talk about?" You asked.

He rubbed his neck shyly, "I just wanted to spend some time with you."

You punched his shoulder lightly, "We talked for so long yesterday. We've spent enough time for the week. Maybe even the rest of the month. What did you really want to talk about?"

He took a deep breath and looked to you with a serious gaze, "I think I know who killed Mr. Tuan."

Your face lightened up with hope, "Really? Who?"

He shook his head, "I can't tell you. He'll kill me if I tell."

You tilted your head in curiosity, "But, how do you know him?"

"I saw him sneaking out of an apartment. He had this look of satisfaction. It was kinda scary," he said, trying not to smile.

You furrowed your eyebrows and pouted slightly, "Why didn't you call the police?"

He shrugged, "Because I didn't have proof that it was him, and I could've been framed."

"Still, you should've called," you said before going silent.

Both of you didn't talk for a few minutes, only enjoying each other's company, "(Y/N)?" Yoongi broke the silence.

You hummed in response and turned to him. He was staring at your face, licking his lips. He slowly leaned in and tried to kiss you, but you dodged it, "Yoongi, what are you doing? I'm dating Hoseok if you didn't know." You told him.

He approached you but you backed away. He continued to approach you until your back hit a wall, "Yoongi, this isn't funny. Hoseok's going to kill you. I mean it." You said, trying to escape but he trapped you.

"Why don't you love me?" He asked quietly.

You gasped and your eyes widened, "What are you saying? We're friends. I love you like a friend, maybe even a brother. You're basically family." You said quickly.

He shook his head and looked down angrily, "No. Why don't you love me like how you love Hoseok?" He snarled.

"Where is this coming from all of a sudden?" You asked, nervous.

"Ever since the first day of school, you've been nice to me. Why can't I have you for myself?" He mumbled.

"Yoon-," you started but you were interrupted by someone calling your name.

You both turned to see Hoseok, holding a handful of flowers for you. You could see the anger in his eyes as he sprinted up to Yoongi and pulled him away. Hoseok instantly grabbed your hand and began walking away from Yoongi. Before you were completely out of view, you saw Yoongi say something and walk into the school.

Hoseok walked to a park, the same one you met Yoongi on the day before. Hoseok spun around so that he was facing you. He ran his hand through his hair in stress, "What was going on?" He asked through gritted teeth.

You looked down and rocked back and forth on your feet, "I don't know. Yoongi just tried to kiss me but I moved away. Then he asked me if I loved him, and I told him that he was family. But then he trapped against the wall and was mumbling something. I don't know why he did that and I promise I tried to get away." You explained.

He sighed and put his hands on your shoulders, "(Y/N), I know that you were trying to get away. I just wanted to know why he would do that to you. If he was really your friend, he wouldn't have done that. And he would remember that you have a boyfriend who is very protective of you." He said softly.

You put your hands on his, smiling softly at his words, "Thanks, Hobi." You said, before hugging him.

He squeezed you in return but you pulled away shortly after. He gave you a curious look, "What are those flowers for?" You asked, smiling even bigger.

He blushed and gave them to you, "I wanted to make you feel better. I know you cared for Mark and I knew that flowers made you feel better. I found them after you left with Yoongi. They reminded me of you." He said shyly.

You gratefully took them and smelled them, "How do they remind me of you?"

"You're beautiful, soft, and you smell nice, too," he said, looking down.

You laughed softly, "Do you smell me often?"

He shook his head, "No. But the few times I did, you smelled amazing."

You punched his arm lightly, "You're making me cringe.'"

He looked at you and smirked, "That's my job, isn't it?" He laughed.

You pouted slightly and started walking, "Let's go home. All this drama is tiring."

He put his arm around your shoulder and you both walked home.

The walk was silent. You would sometimes poke Hoseok to see what he would do, and, most of the time, he got scared and flinched. Once you got home, you opened the door and walked in, Hoseok closely behind.

You closed the door and walked into the kitchen. Grabbing food for the two of you and eating. After eating, you started to do your homework, which took the entire night. Hoseok ended up sleeping over and you sat on your bed, waiting for Hoseok to find clothes.

He found a pair of his sweatpants and quickly put those on before sitting next to you and hugging you. You leaned into his embrace and rested your head on his shoulder, "(Y/N)?"

You looked up at him, "Yeah?"

He pulled you closer to him, "Remember that I'll always love you, no matter what. I won't ever leave your side. Even when I'm dead, I'll be watching over you. I want to make sure you're happy, even if I'm not there. I would want you to find someone else who loves you as much as I did and you love them just as much. I want you to be safe, healthy and happy. I don't ever want to see you upset about something. I want you to only find happiness. I'll protect you from all the bad in the world. I'll do all of this because I love you more than anything in the world, and I have and will for a long time."

You felt tears escape your eyes as he spoke. It wasn't like him to show his emotions like this. It was new to you but you liked it. You turned so that your body was facing him and you hugged him tightly, "Hobi, I-" Before you could say anything, the doorbell rang.

You looked to Hoseok before standing up and going to answer. You opened the door and saw...

"What are you doing here?"

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