Little Surprise...

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I don't know why I decided to do this but I think it's because I feel like being a bit evil. I just want to tease you guys a bit just because and I felt like putting this out since I want you guys to have a bit of an idea of what's going to happen in the sequel. So, here it is...


"What do you want from me? What did I do to be trapped like this?"

"Minseokie~ Why can't you see why I'm doing this? It's all out of love, you know~" She giggled.

Minseok tried to break his hands free, but he couldn't. "You killed everyone that I cared about. How is that love?"

"Because they were getting in the way~"

"You're worse than my father. You both deserve to be killed." Minseok glared at her, his eyes piercing through her.

She smiled cheekily, "You look like you're going to kill me. I would like to see you get out first."

Minseok struggled to pry his hands and legs free, flexing every muscle and pulling as hard as he can. He managed to escape, quickly standing up and grabbing the knife that she placed on the table. He pushed her against the wall, the knife at her throat. "Minseokie, are you really going to kill me? I thought you love me," she whispered, her eyes shining with tears.

Before Minseok could do anything, he heard the echo of footsteps. He turned to where they were coming from to see someone too familiar, "Impressive, I didn't think you would be able to do that. You really have grown up." He told Minseok.

Minseok's words were caught in his throat, "D-Dad?"


So what'd you guys think? Did this make you more excited for the sequel?

Well, I hate to say it again but you're going have to wait until I finish one of my other current works. But this should give you an idea about what it's going to be about.

I'll see you later guys! Hope you have a great day/night and I purple you all! Bye!

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