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The knife fell to the floor and blood dripped down Taehyung's neck. He was gone. Dead. And you watched it happen. You watched helplessly, not able to move or say anything else. You could only call out to him, hoping that would change Yoongi's mind. But it didn't. If only you didn't decide to do that, he would've been alive. You probably would've been able to save him. It was far too late.

You cried and screamed as Yoongi took you back to your room, pushing you in roughly before slamming the door and locking you in. You fell into your bed, curling up and crying. It was all too much. You wanted to know where he was in the first place since you didn't see him at school after the incident. But, now you did.

You thought that maybe everyone else thinks that Taehyung was dead, but now you knew the truth. He was taken down here and Yoongi waited for the right time to kill him in front of you. He had him as another victim so he didn't have to kill Hoseok so soon. But now, you know that you can't mess up. You can't do anything stupid. Nothing that can put Hoseok's life more at risk.

You ended up falling asleep, curled up and slowly stopping the tears. It didn't take too long before you woke up again. You looked at the clock in the room, 1:16 a.m.

You rubbed your eyes and looked around. The room was back together. The ceiling and the cameras were fixed. 'Maybe he came in when I was sleeping?' You thought.

But, you couldn't tell that it was fixed. It looked like nothing happened. You stood up and went to the washroom. You lost your balance slightly and felt pain in your legs. You brushed it off as nothing and opened the bathroom door. You washed your face and looked at yourself. You looked like a mess. Your hair was sticking out everywhere and the cuts on your cheek became scars.

Your fingers gently brushed over them, you knew that you were going to have to live with them for the rest of your life. So, you might as well love them.

You started to feel dizzy suddenly and you fell into the toilet. You held onto the sides of the bowl and threw up. Your already empty stomach tried to release something. You struggled to get back up, your body unbalanced. You couldn't think straight. You could barely keep yourself standing.

You felt the need to try to throw up again. Nothing came out. All you could do was cough. You passed out soon after, your head hitting the edge of the shower floor.


You woke up to an all too familiar ceiling. You looked around, everything a blur in your eyes. Your eyes slowly adjusted and you managed to see a body sitting in a chair beside your bed. You tried to speak, but only a small groan left your lips. The person suddenly jolted up in their seat and smiled, happy to see you awake. "Hey, you're awake. You had me scared to death, what happened?" He asked. This voice sounded familiar, but you weren't sure who exactly it was.

You managed to shake your head, not able to give a proper response. He gave a sad smile and took a deep breath, "I'm... I'm sorry, (Y/N). I really am. I was upset and I couldn't think of another way to let my anger out. Besides, I was planning on doing it earlier. I didn't mean for this to happen. I should've thought about how you would feel about this. But, it's too late." 

He came closer to you and hugged you, "I love you more than anything in this world. And, I know that we would make amazing parents. I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl. I hope you're excited, too. This is something big. And, don't worry. I'll be there to help. I'll be by your side, trust me."


Jolting awake, you couldn't breathe. You felt a sharp pain in your head and tightly held it. After the pain died down, you looked around. It was the same bedroom as your dream. But, who was sitting next to you? You were alone in the room, no one else was around. And, what was that dream about?

You put your hand on your stomach. Was there really someone alive in you? Someone that's born innocent and naive to the world around them? You smiled at the thought, but it quickly faltered once you realized that you didn't know whose it was. Well, you did, but you had hope that it wasn't him. You didn't want to take care of someone as crazy as him.

Laying back down, you thought about everything. When did this even happen? Why would he do something like this if he really loved you? And, what would Hoseok think? Would he want the baby gone? Would he be willing to keep it? Would he take the responsibility? Would he still love you? You couldn't get an answer. And if your dream was true, it means that you having this child was purposeful. He wanted to make sure you couldn't get far.

But, if anything, it only made you want to escape even more.


Another chapter~ I hope that this didn't trigger anyone either since it does bring up a topic that could hurt others. I tried my best not to make it really violent and obvious. It's not meant to be like that, either, so I hope it didn't sound like it. 

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