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It was the next day, at least you thought it was. It was very difficult to tell the time when you're sitting in a basement for days, maybe even weeks.

Yoongi kept Hoseok in front of you and, once a week, he would torture him. Hoseok would always act as if he's unconscious during the torture, but he wakes up after he leaves. But, sometimes Hoseok would actually become unconscious and it was becoming more consistent. You were worried that he was losing too much blood.

It was another day where Yoongi was torturing Hoseok, and Yoongi just left. Hoseok was barely able to lift up his head to look at you. You became more and more worried as the days went by. Yoongi wouldn't always give him food, but he always fed you. You asked Yoongi to feed him but he kept telling you that Hoseok took you away from him.

You hated how he treated Hoseok as if he was a piece of garbage. Yoongi's, so-called, love for you wasn't real. Yoongi was becoming more and more crazy by the day.

He would sometimes talk about marrying you and having kids with you, and you felt disgusted to even be near him. He would sometimes come up to you with blood on his hands, and he would tell you that he killed for you.

You hated him, but you didn't show it. He manipulated you and he lied to you. He claims that he loves you, but your heart is already taken by someone who really loves you. Yoongi's way of loving someone isn't right and it's sick.

You had to get out of there. You and Hoseok already came up with a plan that seemed doable. It wasn't the best, but it would work out the best. All you had to do was think of a way to start it.

"Hoseok, are you okay?" You asked him, seeing his eyes become heavy.

"I-I'm f-fine. We-We-We'll get out s-soon," he replied, barely able to speak.

You became more worried with each word he said. You could see the amount of pain he's going through, but he's trying to act as if he was fine. You knew better than to tell Yoongi to stop. You've tried but he doesn't listen. He was slowly killing Hoseok, making him suffer. He was trying to tell Hoseok to stop loving you, but why could he?

You've known each other for basically all your life, and he's loved you for so long. He's taken care of you and you've done the same every day. How can Hoseok stop loving you? He'd rather die than to stop. And, that's what he's doing.

He's staying strong and living for you in hopes that, at least, you can escape. The only thing keeping him alive is that wish of you escaping.

"Hobi, a-are you sure you're okay?"

He gave you a weak smile, "Of c-course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" His voice was raspy and quiet as he spoke.

"You're not okay, Hoseok. You've been tortured for over two months. You've lost too much blood to be okay."

"I'm fine, (Y/N)!" He raised his voice and you flinched as he rested his head on the chair. He never yelled at you like that. What was going on with him?

"Hobi, I-" You were stopped by the door opening.

You instantly shut up and you looked to Hoseok worriedly. He wasn't going to act. He continued to stare up at the ceiling, ready for what was to come.

Yoongi approached you with a tray of food. He happily sat beside you and started to feed you, "How's my cute (Y/N), hm?"

You didn't answer, but you glared at him. Yoongi didn't notice and continued to feed you, "You know, I've been looking at wedding dresses for you, and I wanted to know if you preferred long or short dresses."

You didn't answer. Your attention was on Hoseok. He noticed and growled lowly. He roughly grabbed your chin and turned your head to face him, "I'm talking to you. You have to pay attention to me, and me alone. You can't think about anyone else, either. What did I tell you? You can't think about anyone or anything except me."

"D-Don't touch her," a quiet voice demanded.

You and Yoongi both turned to Hoseok to see his eyes turn dark. Yoongi smirked and stood up, "Look who finally woke up. It was starting to get boring not hearing your screams of pain."

Hoseok snarled, "Don't touch (Y/N). I'll kill you if you do again."

Yoongi scoffed and bent down in front of Hoseok, his smile growing bigger, "How are you supposed to kill me? You can barely keep your head up and you're telling me you're going to kill me? You're a funny guy, you know."

Yoongi stood up straight and turned back to you. He looked at you lovingly and caressed your face, "You see what he's trying to do? He's still trying to keep you away from me. He's still trying to convince you to not love me. You know I'm not going to let that happen, right?"

You moved away from his hand and spit at it. Yoongi looked at his hand and laughed, "Now you're not listening to me? Alright, I guess that I have no other choice," he mumbled.

Before you could say anything, he pulled a knife from his pocket and cut your cheek. You cried out in pain and looked to Hoseok. He was trying to break his restraints, but it wasn't working.

Again, another cut on your cheek, this time closer to your eye. You sobbed and felt the knife against your throat. You looked up at Yoongi pleadingly. He showed no emotion and he let the knife graze your neck, "I could kill you right now if I wanted. But, I'd rather have you suffer a long death than have an instantaneous one." With that, he pulled the knife away from you.

He went behind Hoseok's chair and started to drag him away, "I'm going to leave you alone. You're not going to get any food for a few days. This is your punishment for trying to disobey me." Then, he was gone.

You started to cry in pain and sadness. You were left alone. You didn't know what Yoongi was going to do to Hoseok. He might kill him, but you wouldn't know. Blood dripped down your face and you felt some of it begin to dry, your tears mixed in.

Still, you had hope. Even if it was a tiny sliver, it was there. You just had to do it alone.

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